Recent content by Saint_Cadian

  1. S

    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    Rawr! I'm back! I really don't know, I think it's because i'm at the transition phase of my life that i've been very busy. This is probably my last attempt to keep up and i hope that i can. If fireblade is up to it, i will PM him how Cadian thinks and works but hopefully(no offense to...
  2. S

    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    Eh pyro, isn't that a bit pushing it? baby claw vs a desert eagle, okay i can see that. Cadian can do that himself (has tried this in F1) Adult claw Vs knife weilding guy? no. i really doubt it. nothing short of a rocket and break a Claw's hide at the first strike. Hell, even a ripper has...
  3. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    post after forever. as i said in the personal stuff, i had to go found a job and i have found one quite nicely. I've also figured out how i want things to go so it'll be alot easier to post such. so i'm live...making sure this time...again. :roll:
  4. S

    Wastland Chapter 5 - Journey through the City of the Dead

    The echoes of distant gunshots only gave Cadain the satisfaction that he had no need to run or hide. the heroes had their hands full, but in the small way it disappointed him. The last job was far too easy. Infact, the girl only noticed as she was passing out that he had threw ether in her...
  5. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    noo, don't die mr. rp, we love you. :( are we still waiting for caribe to come back or is this rp officially dead?
  6. S

    Personal stuff for roleplayers

    I'm alive, just trying to focus on find a job.
  7. S

    Personal stuff for roleplayers

    *groans* okay, so here's what's been going on and why i'm so bogged down. Finding a job, dealing with my mother, trying to stop my idiot rp buddies(not you guys) from killing themselves, Moving out, moving back in, Being enslaved in my mother's own home and falling in love to a manic...
  8. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    damn it, everytime i feel like posting, something gets me out of the mood. -_- i'll try to post hopefully at the latest of friday.
  9. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    Hey, Im back by the way. Just waiting for the right time is all.
  10. S

    Terrorism on the rise?

    Oy, another Repub Vs. Demo. Well honestly, i can't see the war getting any better when the democrats victimize the terroists. Do you remember good ol' Kerry and his want to give Iran plutonium to see if they make a bomb or not? or his need to practically implement a draft when the military...
  11. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    Well, thanks to my procrstination, i have midterms and some projects to do so you guys have to work around Cadian for a week or two. so i hope this rp continues and chibi-chan is still alive when i come back. ^_^;
  12. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    Actually i have no idea what uziel is up to now since you dropped my idea. I gave him an opening if he wanted it but that's going to disappear by sunday night. *shrug*
  13. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    First off, it's Cadian, not carib. Also part two of my post is finally up. sorry it took so long and is in poor quality. I've been very busy and my editor is moving to japan so yea. Most likely after this ambush you hopefully won't see Cadian that much til later. He is very much like a...
  14. S

    Wasteland - Chapter 4 - Junktown and Raiders - IC

    "Kuso." Lindy muttered under her breath, her head hanging as she walked down the street in the beating sun/. "it wasn’t my fault that the place burned down like that. Why the hell did they have flammable drapes near the stove in the first place?? It was midday and it was blazing hot already...
  15. S

    Wasteland OCC Thread- Chapter 4

    Sure, why not? I have an idea if you are willing.