Recent content by Sharcc

  1. S

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    1.Kla$ - Klick Klack Bang [Dj Dimon RMX]
  2. S

    Your desktop image.

    My current one: It must be a big pleasure and insine to drive a Diablo on snow... PermBurnouts with summer tires! :mrgreen:
  3. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Bond is cool 9/10 - 1P blond hair 8/10
  4. S

    Rambo, violence?

    Nah... I wouldn't say this, but it was indeed the best Rambo part all times.
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    Rambo, violence?

    I've watched Rambo IV (uncut) yesterday. I like the violence in that movie (when thouse bad guys where kicked ass). And I think that the violence is okay for a war movie. War is evertime very brutal, so it's authentic when we see a lot of gore scenes. In Rambo is it a "little bit"...
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    The Official Nuclear Smiley!

    Maybe this one? { }0=|
  7. S

    Josan12's new Fallout 2 animations showcase

    Fantastic animations! Respect! :clap:
  8. S

    Fallouty looking phone(?) in Norway (4 pics)

    Pretty cool phone :)
  9. S

    Upload your Fan Art!

    Convert that images that you got into png oder jpeg files. Upload it under: Must work.
  10. S

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Non-alcoholic: Cola Light, Ice-Tea Alcoholic: Captian Morgan har har! Vodka (almost every brand) Strong polish beer, Cabs Energy (if Captian Morgan and Vodka is empty! :mrgreen: )
  11. S

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Alex C feat. Yass - Tienes El Culo Mas Bello Del Mundo
  12. S

    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Well... there is a huge difference by supporting a team or talking crap... Supporting: "Noch ein Tor, Deutschland vor!" Talking crap: "We are the best, we will win this EURO, because wie will also win the Word Cup!" I wrote "traitor" with ---> " " <--- and postet it also with smileys: :P...
  13. S

    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Of course no :mrgreen: It's a fact that Germany is in the football history more successfully than Spain, but in that tournament played Spain better, also in the final. 10 years ago Germany had a weak team with old players... The most fans said: "I'm happy if our team can qualify for the...
  14. S

    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Well I live in Germany, they play a good soccer, of course ... But the only thing that I want to say is: Gracias Torres! E viva España! :wink: The german fans had too much of optimism, and I hate that... Spain was in the final game much better, and won deserved. Thank you España...
  15. S

    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    If you "own" a team, you win 4:0 or 5:0... or even more... Poland isn't a good team, the lose in important games (look back to the last World Cups...) And Austria is not a strong team, when they winning, is it like a sensation ;) Poland was not good enough, and owning is something else...