221. People in the future can survive by eating scrap metal. They need no farms.
222. You can kill deathclaws, enclave soldiers, raiders, etc. and survive. But that damn kid with the baseball bat shrugs off a .45 round and crushes your skull.
223. Super Behemoths are nothing but a FEV...
This article filled me with joy. It is nice to know that we aren't the only critics in the destruction of CRPGs. Fallout 3 will forever leave a dark depression in the core of my being for how much it raped my favorite setting in a videogame.
I guess my only option now, after looking at what...
Well then! There is still hope in this jaded heart for something good/bad. Haven't seen the High School musicals, but having seen the South Park parody of it, I can imagine what kind of depredations the plot and settings will sink to.
Fallout: A post-apocalyptic musical.
I can see it...
Damn, and I was looking foward to the hilarious raping of the Fallout genre by someone who isn't serious about it. Has anyone seen Postal? Horrible movie, but it made me laugh consistently.
Played the Pitt. Was not impressed. The entire area of the "town" is tiny. Trogs were ridculously easy. Auto-axe is graphicly glitchy. Main quest was forgettable. I mean come on, this is Beth's idea of "morally grey"? Do the evil thing and something good happens, do the good thing and something...
St: 7 -come from a hereditary line of muscled men, never even worked out and I can 600 pound beds with my legs
PE- 4- Im aware, im just blind, and too poor to afford glasses
EN- 6 got great stamina, would be higher if I didn't smoke
CH- 7 - If i want something bad enough, my silver tongue...
Hello everyone.
Sorry I have been inactive for the last 1/4 of the year. I just got out of a lengthy divorce, and have finally settled down in one place for more than 2 months. So here I am! Feel free to contact me, and when I get off from work tonight, I will re-join age old...
Whoa catmeat, where did that come from? Also, you can't get a Bozar in 20 minutes without first knowing about it. And then good luck getting to NCR without dying as a level 2.
VATS makes the game so easy its, well, easy. Not to mention my older days as a rabid UT player. Though I'm not much of a FPS fan, I do possess skill at them.
EDIT: Neither have I ever encountered two high tech factions dueling it out in FO2. I think the most advanced were the Hubologists vs...
I tried my hardest to enjoy it, I did. There were a few parts worth it, but mostly, I couldn't stand the breaking of old tradition. But I guess I'm just an old man amoungst younglings. :D