Yeah, the buffing of healing skills is really cool.
It would be interesting to see Expired and Homemade Stimpaks from FNV's JSawyer mod added to the game.
It's a pity that bows would run into the problems of animations, because bows would fit perfectly.
Doing sum finking...
- How about Spear...
The things which annoyed me the most about the worldbuilding:
- The Boneyard essentially got written out. I don't know what is the point of the location being Los Angeles, It's pretty much irrelevant aside from set-pieces like Flooded Hollywood, Santa Monica Pier and Griffith Observatory...
Why not activate low power mode on your rig or something like that? It shouldn't heat up your house as long as you are on low-temps, just keep to old games and browsing the internet, and you should be good. You should be getting something like 25-40 Cº on a low-power mode desktop. I only have...
Yeah the line is definitively blurry as all hell, and early they were pretty much the same genre.
The dividing line is definitively Black Sabbath, which is considered the genesis of Heavy Metal but is retroactively considered Hard Rock nowadays. Hard Rockers consider Black Sabbath to be Heavy...
An interesting explanation, but I don't think it works because "Black Devil" looks mass-manufactured and new, not jury rigged and old.
I think the most logical explanation is that they had limited resources in Raven Rock and went with a "good enough" design. The X-series/APA was already going...
Its interesting that in FO76, T-60 is weaker than T-51b. I think the T-60 is meant to be more of a modernization of the T-45 design, whereas the T-51 is its own thing, still the top model of pre-war armor except for secret and prototype stuff like the X-01 and T-65.
And then you have the FO3...
I recommend playing it out of the box from GoG if you want the 100% purist experience but with higher resolutions.
Unless you know how to configure Et Tu or get someone to give you the configs for a full purist Et Tu, I think the way to see Et Tu is as an expansion pack, its FO1+ with all the...
Hi. I haven't played this mod yet because I haven't gone to FO2 on my playlist again but I've kept a keen interest in your work since the beginning.
You could always add more FOT spears.
So you might go with:
Sharpened Spear >...
Re: PA Strength Bonus and Character Strength
My headcanon is that PA works WITH the User's strength somehow, its not just hydraulics doing the work.
But I agree that plausability-wise, it shouldn't be affected by player strength.
I'm kinda wary of them fucking with estabilished canon areas, I thought Bethesda would just hand them some blank spot in the map to have fun with it. Then again, its possible Los Angeles is just the start of the story.
That said, it will be interesting to revisit L.A Boneyard.
I'm actually...