Recent content by Slowhand

  1. S

    NPC Follower's Stats

    For some reason, I receive completely different values for my NPCs using the "getval" console command than those listed on this site's Recruitable Followers page. Their SPECIAL stats all correspond to those listed, but their Skills (primarily their Tags) seem way off base. For example...
  2. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Dream come true
  3. S

    Hilarious video.

    Here's the sequel to '40 mines and 1 old man': '40 Frag mines ON TOUR!'. Simply hilarious, haven't laughed so hard in weeks.
  4. S

    Stuck in Rivet City

    Yeah, Rivet City can be confusing. A quick exit is available via the Marketplace, which is fairly easy to find by following the signs posted throughout the carrier. The ship's main entrance is located directly behind the hatchway door closest to the "Flack 'n Shrapnel's" stall. Alternatively...
  5. S

    Fair Fax Ruins, Fort Independce

    Too true. I recall inching my way towards the Raiders at Kaelyn's B&B to stealthily pick them off from the distance. Suddenly, a group charged in my direction, although I was too far away for them to have noticed me. Then bullets seemingly flew out of nowhere and they died before closing in...
  6. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Beats me. Since Prima calls it the "Official Game Guide", I assume they received the info from Bethesda.
  7. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Here's what Prima's FO3 Game Guide says about Arkansas:
  8. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Yeah, that's the route I now take after discovering his hideout during my second game.
  9. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    After a while, Arkansas actually came down from his perch to track me at ground level. We continuously sniped each other at long range before I finally managed to take him out with my hunting rifle behind one of the houses.
  10. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    @ 13BEAST I don't like the degrading weapons feature either, so I've now installed the No Repair Needed mod off the Fallout 3 Nexus website. Oh, btw, I recommend maxing out INT to 9 before exiting the Vault and making a run to Rivet City for the INT+1 Bobble Head in the Science Lab...
  11. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    I agree. Normally, I slip into the role of diplo-sniper in FO. Nevertheless, if another NPC filled that slot I'd happily play a different char. In FOO, I usually select Charon as a team mate till Fawkes joins up upon leaving Raven Rock. Still, It'd be nice to have a FO2 Vick-type in tow to...
  12. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Yeah, he successfully pulled that trick on me during my first game.
  13. S

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

  14. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    * Stands in line to sign petition *
  15. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Meaning we're officially back to square one on that issue? Bummer.