Ohhh gotcha sorry about, will skip for now then thanks for the reply!
Any other places I should avoid for now?
Also is there any way to move the Mr Fixit interface slightly to the right?
my resolution is clipping over part of the interface since its all the way to the left and I dont want to...
I am also having a crash every time I come back to EPA after my first time does anybody know how to fix this?
I'm gonna just try to do everything I can on my first visit just hope I don't miss anything
Edit: Actually EPA is completly unplayable
When I go outside the building and save it...
Using megamod (which I love so far) first time poster
Im on a higher resolution and when I open the Mr Fixit interface since its all the way to the left
part of my screen is overlapping it and cutting it off
Is there any way to move the interface to the right a bit?
Been searching the forums and...