Recent content by stjohn

  1. stjohn

    So, what do you do with all these petty pedant brains?

    Yeah, FOMM is fine, and yeah I have a lot of unnecessary mods. Thats also the mod I remember seeing, so nice.
  2. stjohn

    So, what do you do with all these petty pedant brains?

    I do use some of the ones you do, at current the more major mods I've consistently used are Tale of Two Wastelands, Project Nevada & Robco Certified, along with weapon mod menu, these are mods used by a lot of people other than me, especially Proj. Nevada. Some minor mods I felt improved my...
  3. stjohn

    So, what do you do with all these petty pedant brains?

    Usually, I let Mobius live since he's pretty funny and not a intolerable cunt, but usually its 50-50 with the other brains. I'll admit as much as I mean to replay New Vegas with all the new mods coming out, I haven't gotten around to it, and need to update a massive amount of my mods, so my...
  4. stjohn

    The Queen of England

    Victoria is generally more prominently featured due to the expansion of the Empire as a result of the industrial revolution under her reign, only recently not being the longest of any monarch in the U.K. and how people feel about her really can range drastically, though I disagree to call her a...
  5. stjohn

    The Queen of England

    this really, just hurts to read.
  6. stjohn

    Your GOTY 2018

    ArmA: Cold War Assault or Conflict: Desert Storm, couple of games I used to play that I bought again.
  7. stjohn

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    if it was Todd that would be pretty funny.
  8. stjohn

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    stop making fun of my son toddy, buy his games!
  9. stjohn

    Fallout 76 getting review bombed

    I mean, there is definitely merch for new vegas, its just that most of the official stuff was when it came out.
  10. stjohn

    Fallout 76 getting review bombed

    I love how capable and incapable bethesda is, its great :twitch:
  11. stjohn


  12. stjohn


    I've heard of Ianout a lot, but I've always wondered what happened to it. Can anyone tell me where it went?
  13. stjohn

    Fallout 76 getting review bombed

    the fact IGN gave it 5/10 really tells you something, and generally empty, you'd be lucky to even get shot by some other player. I like both sides of the franchise, but this, this game is a true wasteland, dead and empty. (buggy as fuck too :boy:)
  14. stjohn

    Why does this website dislike Fallout 3 so much?

    I just saw this, expected an actual arguement and saw "Fallout 3 is closer to the Originals than New Vegas" and instantly knew the rest of page 1 would be horrific to read. (:=o
  15. stjohn

    Why I will likely never play the original Fallouts

    He might have wanted to stir up conversation, which in that case he did. And he probably joined to have a good time with people who liked the same franchise, I know I did. Besides, looking at the replies it seems some people cared enough about this. Anyway I don't want to start an arguement or...