Recent content by SudoX

  1. S

    Caravan (In-Game)

    I haven't had this problem, I bought all my cards and they appear when I am making my deck :P
  2. S

    Anybody waiting for a patch before playing ?

    I didn't wait, but I got the PS3 version (which isn't as bugged as the 360 version). The 360 version has a lot of game breakers (I hear), but I've only had the game freeze up on me once in my 6+ hours of gameplay ^_^. Still I'm looking forward to a patch...
  3. S

    Weird DPS measure?

    Very annoying indeed... Maybe they'll do something about it in a patch... Or something.
  4. S

    Weird DPS measure?

    Wait so those two shifting values represent two different attributes... Why did they put them in the same box? xD 0.o
  5. S

    Weird DPS measure?

    Does anyone know why the DPS number changes between two different numbers? My only assumption is that the larger of the two numbers is the maximum DPS (if you had 100 in that skill) and the lower is the current DPS?
  6. S

    Caravan (In-Game)

    It took me about 8 loses before I figured out how the game worked. I suggest playing against Joseph Nash because he only bets 1 so you can learn the game mechanics without breaking the bank (like I did with Ringo xD). I didn't find nobark to be too hard. I actually played him to make up for my...
  7. S

    Caravan (In-Game)

    Well if I represent my character, then my character is addicted ;) I'm trying to make up for the debt I acquired before I started to figure things out... Still sometimes it doesn't make sense!
  8. S

    Caravan (In-Game)

    Another guide available at wikia:
  9. S

    Caravan (In-Game)

    I know Fallout just came out and I've had a hell of a time playing it, I also got the collector's edition so I've got all the special goodies as well ^.^ My question is if anyone has found caravan cards in game? I know the owner in Vikki and Vance Casino has a "play caravan" text option, but you...
  10. S

    Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod - Announcement

    Hey Ardent, not to sound pushy but hows the progress been on your mod? It greatly perks my interest and I'm downloading the demo as we speak. I imagine the demo will be a tease and will likely result in great amounts of anger since I can't get my hands on the full release ;)
  11. S

    New Vegas Radio

    I think Margret the technician is far more entertaining than Three Dog, that's part of the reason why I choose to dispose of Three Dog. The great thing is her interruptions are never longer than about ten seconds and they're normally something witty about Three Dog being dead (A sense of...
  12. S

    New Vegas Radio

    I enjoyed Three Dog too, at first. But after playing through the game for 80+ hours and just wanting to hear some '50s hits and having to wait to hear Three Dog say something for the 500th time, it's time to turn the radio off or kill Three Dog.
  13. S

    New Vegas Radio

    Hope that he isn't as annoying as three dog got... He got so redundant and annoying you would just have to kill him!
  14. S

    New Vegas Radio

    Something that I've been dying to know is if anyone has heard any information regarding the existence of a radio station in Fallout: New Vegas? I don't see why they wouldn't, especially since The Stretch has power and is very prosperous! I just didn't know if anyone had any official word (or any...
  15. S

    Slavery Expanded re-released

    I am very fond of the FO modding community, although I am very late :). I have a very great idea for how this mod could be setup (Story wise) and if someone could point me into the right direction for learning how to write mods I would have no problem learning. I am currently a developer in...