Ah so because I am a white male I should feel ashamed 24/7 because this automatically means I am an evil opressor, even though I never actively do so. It just is that way apparently.
And again with that feelings bullshit. It's easy to say 'can't we all just get along, we're human beings ;__;'...
Atleast these clowns are dead and no further people have been killed.
Still 'funny' to read here that some people will never learn. Can't wait to dance around trees singing kumba ya while talking about me simply being a white man opresses those poor poor people who come here abuse the welfare...
Biggest LOL I've had for days. Everyone who knows me would facepalm at your accusation since I am anything but 'hating everything female'. It only shows how far away you are already detached from the real world outside your echo chamber. I showed your post to my girlfriend (strange, I...
Your brownnosing is as disgusting as is the vatting of posts that go against the agenda the SJW admins of this page here want to push through. Or the doublethink of the adminstration that forbids calling people names, enforcing political correct bullshit, yet calling out other people...
Aside from the concept art and very vague and non-telling blabla of the guy, there has not been a single hint as to what this mod will actually be, no hints at gameplay whatsoever as well.
I like how the mohawk guy talks for 7 minutes without actually telling everything important.
Mad props for creating actual costumes, that is cool.
But what has this Bethesda "fallout" garbage to do with actual Fallout?
Just looking at that pipboy makes me want to throw up. And why do cosplayers never actually "dirty" their costumes? A cleanly looking vaultsuit (not even spandex like...
Don't forget that JA2 1.13 is highly customizable through xna files, you can edit many variables. For a first time player I'd advice newcomes to simply play the original game /w patches though.