Thanks for the help to everyone and for you gustarballs1983 I think a lot of peole will apreciate your work with sfall. This community proved its awesomness again! Appreciate you folks all a lot!
I myself never encountered anything bad, played the mod for a couple of days ,this stuff only happened now, why did my defender woke up after several days is beyond me!
I see, so if I mark that fold as an exception it will work?But why does this mod containe a virus or more like something very similar to that the defender flags it as an actual virus? Should one realy trust them?
Can you guys please help me? Yesterday the mod worked just fine but now when I wanted to play this welcomed me. It happened one time befor but a reinstall solved it, now not even that worked. Never encountered anything like this playing any other mod.
This project is just awesome and it can't be released soon enough! One thing tho with the Pip-boy 2000 loading screen, I read in the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide(Fallout 1 manual) that the Pip-Boy is suposed to be a wrist mounted device not a tablet like in the art. Its not a problem of course...