Recent content by TeeVoo

  1. TeeVoo

    Printings post war.

    There's also Tales of a junktown jerky ventor, which in fallout 3 and NV look like a printed book. It's post war because it's Junktown. which is a post war settlement.
  2. TeeVoo

    Enclave origin theory and why they exist.

    Instead of writing a essay i'll just try to be to the point. If the new common wealth system went in place in 1969 it makes me believe the enclave was a "brown shirt" like organization that was started after WW2. with the idea of preserving American society when the vietnam war happened, and...
  3. TeeVoo

    Genuinely think I hate fallout modding.

    Just trying to use some simple mods to get new vegas looking decent. Specifically messing around with performance and bug fixers and the new Vegas redesigned. Yet the amount of hoops you have to jump through is just amazing. I've been using New vegas redesigned for years suddenly out of...
  4. TeeVoo

    fallout 2 was the borderlands 2 of the 1990s change my mind.

    I've beaten fallout 1, have gotten half way through fallout 2 two times now and haven't finished it, I will more than likely finish it this time but something that started to get a bit annoying was the "humor". Yes it's a fun game, but the endless culture references just scream "dudebro" game...
  5. TeeVoo

    If a fallout 1/2 remake included radio stations what songs would be on it?

    Maybe is the first one that comes to mind. Another personal pick of mine would be The original happy song juxaposed with nuclear explosions that directly inspired fallouts humor. the reference is a perfect call back. For some reason this comes to mind To me it fits in with some of those...
  6. TeeVoo

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    There should be a nu-metal station with slipknot on it I think