Recent content by (tHc)-=Kamikaze=-

  1. T

    Fallout tactics Multiplayer

    yeah dude u totally have to... apparently no one really likes this game cause this FORUM WENT NOWHERE!
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    Let's see if I can fit this all in here. Personally, I am not so concerned with factual endings or post-end gameplay my concern and distaste with Fallout 3 is numerous and although the "General Fallout Discussion" states specifically not to discuss Fallout 3 it appears to be of no...
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    Fallout tactics Multiplayer

    oh i get it... I think... I just wanted to start a NEW pertinent thread. Those others seemed out dated. The threads subject is more like, FoT Multi has rebirthed and eventually people adding replies about their experiences having revisited FoT on Gameranger. Besides whoever wrote that seems...
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    Fallout tactics Multiplayer

    Hmmm why didnt you just copy and paste what I wrote? LoL thanks for... shall we say "eloquently" repeating exactly what I said, hmmm??? wtf?
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    Fallout iPhone

    Yeah an indie game similar to Fallout would probably be the best way to go, considering achem achem... I for one wouldn't care if a game that brought the same feel was under a different title as long as it was done right if you get my meaning!
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    Fallout iPhone

    Wouldn't the blackberry support it much better, in my opinion that would by way sicker, I have pondered this many times in the Subway or Ferry, this is definitely a necessary transfer and I would probably pay 15-20 bucks for a full game!
  7. T

    Fallout tactics Multiplayer

    Fallout Tactics Returns?! Recent events in the Fallout Saga has done what seems to be irreconcilable damage. Yet the failure of some "not to be mentioned companies" attempting to incorporate computer games into the console environment is not the first stain upon the good name of computer games...