Recent content by the_move

  1. T


    You can have cancer in such small breasts?! Well maybe they start to grow, as the cancer maybe will. :lol:
  2. T

    Star Wars Episode 3: Attack of the Ad Campaign

    Well, the ad campaign does not match the merchandise afterwards.
  3. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Well with "only" 80 million people instead of 300 million things might be a little easier. Altough I am certain, that it will still cause a huge problem. Therefor it should be done step by step. A good and helpful step for Germany would be to adapt the swiss handling of democracy at first...
  4. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Nah, it wasn´t Schroeder all the way. Kohl was before and Schmidt even before that one, and they all were crap.
  5. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Elections do not give instructions, as the political do not keep the promises made in their "program". They forget about it as soon as they have "claimed the power". Maybe they even get lucky and get re-elected next time, since there are not much alternatives as mentioned earlier. Sorry but...
  6. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Not here in Germany. Here they are not bound to any instructions of their voters. Only to their own conscience! This is fixed in the law. Yes! A lot of referendums. But the small parts regarding a community should become a federal issue.
  7. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Well then! Do you also know the people, who are already intelligent enough to do policy? Or what alternative do you see? As for me, I do not like neither monarchy nor dictatorship. Germany already ran through a dictatorship not a while back and we all know what became to the monarchs in...
  8. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Well then, maybe humanity in generell is not ripe for policy, according to your remarks. Anyway, I still have the opinion, that a real direct democracy is the better way.
  9. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Now comes the big question. Do those "direct" representatives really represent the will of those, which elected them? Those who made them a representative? Do they even have to? Are they forced to by law? I don´t think so, coz thinks would run differently then.
  10. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Well, actually rich people rule this world. May they be dumb or not. One things for sure, most of them are greedy. The 3 Billion poorest people together have as much money as the 400 richest families. You maybe now see what power is held by so few. The industrials and shareholders of today...
  11. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    As long as there is not as much money spent into advertisments as during the elections I think this can be done. Besides the elections are also applied to 300 million people. So they could also do a referendum in that size it seems, especially with much less prelude and advertising.
  12. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Excuse me, but what is a "direct, represantative democracy". Both adjectives are controverse. Direct democracy means, the people rule. No representatives! And if there are representative in a direct democracy, they have to be strictly bound to the people's instructions unlike it is now...
  13. T

    Enclave vs. Brotherhood

    Well, it sure looks done professionally. Think it´s pretty ok, I'll take it. So a cybernetic, power-armored, mutation! Mmh, well I wonder what monstrosities will be up next after the Master and this one.
  14. T

    Democracy sucks ass.

    Neither USA nor any other state has a real democracy. Only a "direct democracy" is a real one. And maybe the only one working. The "parliamentary democracy" is too much affected by corruption. And it provides no real alternatives in case of election. How many powerful parties to you...
  15. T

    Enclave vs. Brotherhood

    Thanks! Did not know there was a bible. Hope it is not completly written by fans, though!