Recent content by TieAndSuitDude

  1. TieAndSuitDude

    If you had to live in a Fallout game, where would you want to live?

    Probably as retired NCR Ranger in Goodsprings. I also have a high affinity for Novac. Perhaps as Scav, collecting stuff in the REPCONN facility after the couriers input. Boomers would also be interesting, but maybe boring in the long run. Living a very isolated life and always seeing the same...
  2. TieAndSuitDude

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I don't know if that counts as funny, but on Fallout 4 Steam discussions, a thread called "Why Fallout 4 is a RPG" exists. Well, if you have to explain why a game is a certain genre, than maybe the game isn't exactly that one genre. But the replies (+ the explanation of the OP what defines the...
  3. TieAndSuitDude

    Weird things you do in your games...

    Stoped collecting them. I aim for less mundane items.
  4. TieAndSuitDude

    Weird things you do in your games...

    Collecting one certain item, than throwing all of them in my apartment in Novac.
  5. TieAndSuitDude

    Name a thing you DON'T hate in Fallout 4

    I know, and I don't care.
  6. TieAndSuitDude

    Name a thing you DON'T hate in Fallout 4

    Uninstalling it.
  7. TieAndSuitDude

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Everyone does, even my dog.
  8. TieAndSuitDude

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Two Bears high fivin', I'd say 8/10, 4 for every bear.
  9. TieAndSuitDude

    If you were a tree which tree would you be

    Probably a Bonsai. Dunno, but they look really compact und stuff. This was a bad attempt at a joke.
  10. TieAndSuitDude

    If you could make a mutant race for Fallout, which would it be?

    "NMA; Nano-Mutant (or man/men)-Abomination" Basically, an injection which shoots small nanomites in the human body that can take on any form, size and color, which allowes the user to render himself invisible, harden the skin, make him more powerful, allowes him to sprint very long distances...
  11. TieAndSuitDude

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My fav? Well, 1, 2 and New Vegas. Not playing 3 and 4 anymore because I did everything and done everyone and saw all. No replay value, but dang it, still had a fun time with them. Now that I think about it, I like a lot of shitty games. And you know what? I don't care.
  12. TieAndSuitDude

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I was roaming around when suddenly a wild steam sale appeard. The question was, Fallout 3 or New Vegas? I decided for NV because it seemed like 3 wouldn't run well on later OS. So, I played NV, had fun with it, and than played all the other games including 3 and 4. And should I tell ye what...
  13. TieAndSuitDude

    The good aspects to Fallout 3?

    There're plenty good aspects, but in the end it all comes down to each individual. And if all and everything is bad about Fallout 3, just remember that thanks to 3, we got New Vegas which is by most on this forum considered far better than 3. I liked the introduction. Yes I did. I hated it the...
  14. TieAndSuitDude

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Good evening y'all. Tie wearing suit dude reports for duty. Thought my first post could aswell be posted in the "Say hello" thread. So yeah, that's what I'm doing now, saying hello. Hello.