Recent content by Touquet

  1. Touquet

    Vault Boy image

    Hi, is there a vault boy image wearing an enclave power armor?? Like the Power armor training in FO3?? I remember seeing one... do I dream? :shock: like this:
  2. Touquet

    Getting the official mapper to recognize my fallout 2

    Ok I try but I've already use the mapper with RP 1.2 install and is was working well but I was on Win XP ... :? Thx
  3. Touquet

    Getting the official mapper to recognize my fallout 2

    Hi, I have an error with the mapper, when I launch it I got : "wmAreaInit::Error loading cities!"... I've the Restoration Project 1.2 installed and high res patch installed on F...G Windows Vista 32 bit. Here the .cfg files: [debug] mode=environment output_map_data_info=0...
  4. Touquet

    Pic of the day

    He's stuck!! :twisted:
  5. Touquet

    How you play & Why ?

    - Why buy the workbench when you can use it for free in Morla house?? - Why buying Nuka-Cola machine to get RAD? Anaway the Nuka-Cola is free elwhere... - Why can I use more than one mentats/rad-x at a time. - Why do I get bad karma from someno who's dead when I take items.
  6. Touquet

    Bobbleheads : where to find them

    Brothernone had a link on NMA web site Bobblehead
  7. Touquet

    Bobbleheads : where to find them

    Bobblehead location Hi I'm trying to find all the bobblehead in F3. One is in Megaton sherif house. - +1 Str permanently. The med bobblehead is in Vault 101 if I'm correct - + bonus to medecine skill. Another hint?
  8. Touquet

    RE-enter Vault 101

    Ok thx!
  9. Touquet

    RE-enter Vault 101

    Is there a way to re-enter Vault 101 if I did not kill the Overseer at the beginning? Or is there another way inside... cause we can told dogmeta to wait at Vault 101... Did someone have find the little vault boy figurine to put in your house?? I've find one already :(
  10. Touquet

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    Blowing four raiders beating another one with a grenade using VATS! A very, beautifull picasso ! :twisted: blowing up car with grenade is also funny!
  11. Touquet

    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    I've just encounter super mutant near the police station noth-west of the mine field after seeing a flare in the sky.. - How can A SM weild a hunting rifle?? or a assault rifle?? They have big hands no?? :crazy: And they not derserve the name of Super, I prefer to call the pussycat doll...
  12. Touquet

    Imagination - The cornerstone of Fallout's Universe.

    Well, yes it's Fallout at 2-3%, the rest is Oblivion all the way. And don't tell is a RPG, it's feel more like e MRPF but alone... I can't feel the RG, so it'S just a good Game. Like Enry said
  13. Touquet

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    If you sai so krysalistbut for me I try to enjoy the game at a low level for now. Not as giant as he could/should be... if you compare with rpeviuous fallout game. We "stuck" only with DC and the sourrounding area... Anyway, Beth could have done better with less from Oblivion, but this is...
  14. Touquet

    But was the spirit preserved?

    What else should I say... Oh! yes ; "Where are the image and description for the items in the !$" inventory interface !! And the "spirit" still looking for it... :(
  15. Touquet

    Enclave in FO3

    Right, they were the "remains of the United States government" and the have the technology to travel everywhere after the holocaust... Remember: ... the Enclave was once the shadow government of the United States. Members of the Enclave were hardliners who both embraced the idea of a nuclear...