That or they charge for the "remaster" to play on a newer console because no backwards compatibility (admittedly that's more of a problem for PlayStation)
For example, let's say I like the Sly Cooper Series. PS2 games were $50 retail, so I spent $150 to play the trilogy. Then the PS3 came out...
$700 in America
$915 in the UK
$882 in the EU
$842 in Japan.
No disc drive, so you're limited to Sony's digital storefront :)
For comparison, the PS3's launch prices in America in USD was
$600 for 60gb model
$500 for 20gb model.
Adjusted for inflation in 2024 USD, that's $780 and $936...
I'm not so sure gameplay mechanics should be treated like this in regards to figuring out how the logic of a universe works.
i mean the problem with this standard is that it shouldn't be the only burden. something being contrived is worse than something overriding previous lore.
The Enclave being in the East Coast, being the same Enclave from the Oil Rig that decided to cross the entire country, is worse than the...
yeah a company that sells doomsday shelters would want to to escalate anxiety over doomsday, not deliver doomsday itself. you can still have the "evil corporation" like staging bogus air raid sirens
he was more generous than that lol. i maybe misrembering, but i think he said that it's fine if it contradicts lore from F1 and F2 as long as the show respects its own internal logic, but it doesnt
Please explain to me how the Iraq War served American interests and not just the interests of the MIC.
News flash. The population is just an experimental group for government and corpos
I've been skimming the Fallout Wiki and there are sometimes mentions of "1st Generation SuperMutants."
"Jacobstown became a haven for first-generation Super Mutants"
What does this mean exactly? Is 1st Gen just a reference to all West Coast Super Mutants?
Another question, in F3, we know the...
I've been seeing this idea hinted at a lot, that is the Bethesda Fallouts and TV Show have more Anti-Capitalist themes than the rest of Fallout, but honestly I need concrete example of this.
There's nothing about Capitalism or Corporations in Bethesda Fallouts that would suggest Anti-Capitalism...
Ropekid is Joshua Sawyer. Let's see what he has to say.
"It seems like not many people advocate Caesar's Legion without also openly aligning themselves with fascist / hard right beliefs personally, but a fair number of people who may consider themselves *~ liberal ~* will argue sincerely that...