Recent content by trollshade13

  1. T

    Limping Ghouls

    then I agree with you, a crippled torso (a damaged heart or vascular system) would destroy them while a shatterd leg or arm, doesn't maybe they'd hit for less or are slower. and let only crippled torso decrease healing
  2. T

    Limping Ghouls

    I have to strongly disagree with this one, this is making fallout ghouls plain zombies... fact: shooting everything in the head kills it. but ghouls are still living things, when you blast their heart out (for example) they would drop dead like normal living things I can agree with the...
  3. T

    Weather effects

    and we would take radiation damage from the rain then huh? would make it usefull to wear the radiaton/Enviroment suit
  4. T

    Blue access cards - what are they for?

    thought protectrons in the metro lines checked if you had a metro ticket or not...
  5. T

    Pic of the day

    I believe afterwards, board up houses against raiders..? seems logical to me.. still stupid why you can't destroy the goddamn planks --'
  6. T

    Pic of the day

    there is no one in the house... ? maybe...
  7. T

    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    * made me quit playing after reading this forum (realising how different it was from the former ones) *made me play 1 and 2 (and made them portable) *made me install arcanum and realising even that's better O.0 *hoping the G.E.C.K will make this game a paradise
  8. T

    Other molerats

    if I remember correctly, try the robco building they have mole rats, other than that, just wander in the wastes, you find mole rats from time to time
  9. T

    Fallout rebalance Mod - Metathread

    how about making opening the pipboy cost AP instead? when you don't have enough AP, you're pretty much done for... should I VATS or heal hmmm
  10. T

    Modding ideas/suggestions

    you sir make an good point... I want rocks in the game as well :o hell, I want plain debris :D I mean, I rather shoot rocks with the Rock-It Launcher than empty tin cans O.o (which weigh the same as pork and beans....? )
  11. T


    the answer is, yes we have rad resistance, fire resistance, and there"s bound to be some other inactive ones from the oblivion one
  12. T

    What the hell? Communist... (spoilers)

    isn"t he a ghoul?
  13. T

    How Power Armour Should've Worked

    you sir, are so right :D but I suppose that some modding will be able to fix this right? On death (of a BOS char), looting the corpse = stealing: result => BOS hate you ^^ and seeming you won't survive an assault by them... oh well, I like Beth more than EA though