Recent content by Twisted

  1. T

    Moon Base

    Must say the moon isn't really in the setting. Now for example Mars or any other planet might. There isn't a crash landing after all. That way you could aswell return. Making a "radio call" from outer space. And beam me up scotty :)...
  2. T

    Question about Megaton

    Well already done that quest when i played good. Most say it doesn't have a real atraction for a replay hehe. As you mentioned it's bollocks. Jericho might come in handier on second thought to kill off Megaton anyway. Charon is only for close combat effective.
  3. T

    Question about Megaton

    Thanks for youre answer. I didn't wanted to slay the whole town and then coming to the conclusion that i lost a trader or something. Btw, if i don't have Jericho on my current payroll (got Charon at the moment with me) and if i detonate the bomb. Will he still be alive? Or do i need to drag...
  4. T

    Ben Canning... Who are you?

    In my game he weares a fancy collar (A)
  5. T


    Dude seriously don't mean to flame you. But you speak English with Dutch grammar. That's quite confusing for people... usually English and Dutch grammar are quite the opposite of each other :p. But sort you're grammar out before telling people that they have a problem with you're english...
  6. T

    Question about Megaton

    I started a new game. This time i'm going be evil. Now i was wondering, if i decided to kill off all megaton citizens before i blow up Megaton. Would that get me in trouble? Because for example i did the blood ties quest. After i completed it, i massacred Arefu. Now if i return to Meriaty(or...
  7. T

    LIVE help

    That's weird. You might want to check up on the official forums. Perhaps they have an answer.
  8. T

    Sheet music

    A bit stupid then that you can sell them. Because that way you can never complete the quest. As inventories of clerks do change over time.
  9. T

    Random Encounters?

    i've found a chinese combat hat. Not that it is very special. But is the only chinese armor that i've found till now.
  10. T

    Dogmeat was better as a snack than as an ally.

    LOL nice written. I must say, i recently bought up Charon. And found this oldskool rifle at the museum of history. Even on the hard setting we are kicking everybody's ass. perfect and deadly combo. I shot them once in the head or chest , and he comes up flanking them with his shotty.
  11. T

    Lesson Learned: Being a Wastelander Sucks

    Well i'm at level 16. So i figure it would have happen by now then ;). But i tend to kill everything that moves anyway, that might be a reason. All though i do find a lot of death wastelanders indoors.
  12. T

    Random Encounters?

    Go arround in the DC area. I've had multiple random encounters there. (might be scripted though). But in DC i've seen pack's of dogs fighting mercs or raiders. Talon Mercs attacking Super Mutants on large scale. Only thing does bug me, every time i go to the super duper mart. That John fellow...
  13. T

    Lesson Learned: Being a Wastelander Sucks

    Yeah well, shit happens right? The game is not meant to be dominated by NPC's. It's meant to be dominated by the player. Besides i like the fact that everything/everyone is food for someone else. Instead off the down sides on Oblivion. That everyone was after you. Now you can witness...
  14. T

    Dogmeat was better as a snack than as an ally.

    At point 5. That's why i told Dogmeat to stay put next to the bedroom (where the table and chair is). Now a days he isn't in my way no more. Imo the most anoying thing about Allies is that they tend to shoot when i tend to get past that 1 mirelurk. Instead of having to deal off with 4 or 5...
  15. T

    WARNING! do not save your game in jefferson memorial.

    No problem here either. Good example of why people should use multiple save games...