Recent content by Uberak

  1. Uberak

    Why did Vault-Tec put so many Vaults right outside Vegas.

    I wouldn't say that the isometric perspective is necessary to have a traditional CRPG world like Fallout. Mount and Blade does the same thing with it's overworld map and that game is third/first person. Actually, a Mount and Blade style engine would've been perfect for New Vegas, considering...
  2. Uberak

    NMA's Opinion On Vehicles I think certain guns actually have increased sway if you are below a certain threshold, but those are more like a skill check than inherently part of the skill. This mod is a bit newer and does the...
  3. Uberak

    NMA's Opinion On Vehicles

    Actually not, weapon/player accuracy is modeled mostly by "spread", which simulates sway. There is no real recoil or weapon sway unless you mod the game. There is a mod for New Vegas that actually implements weapon sway though. In fact, it even implements the exact idea I'm proposing, with sway...
  4. Uberak

    NMA's Opinion On Vehicles

    Well, there is a game that combines both the fast traveling of Fallout 1/2 (Overworld map with only certain spots actually being detailed by the engine along with random encounters.) and the first-person perspective of 3/New Vegas. Maybe we have a Mount and Blade style overworld? (With the...
  5. Uberak

    Questions on the Shi

    Well, if you add T, which is what Todd Howard starts with, to Shi, you get the word that best describes my attitude towards the Shi faction and it's portrayal in Fallout 2....... Tshi: Chinese for the disappointment in the cooking of the duck meat.
  6. Uberak

    Would the Sole Survivor be able to survive the Vault Dweller's mission?

    Master: I doubt even the FEV will help you. Honestly, it'd be like a low INT play-through.
  7. Uberak

    Possible to bring back skills and traits?

    Honestly, the only thing I want from Fallout 4 is the gunplay. That and having the game be set in New England. We can do it in some other engine, maybe the Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord engine (To recreate Fallout 1 and 2 style overmaps)? We can even just make up a brand new story.
  8. Uberak

    Toons Of The Past

    Ha! You people with your 90s animation. The truly best animation is Felix the Cat. Seriously though, I'm a sucker for Golden Age cartoons. (Though, I guess you folks have already posted a good amount of them.)
  9. Uberak

    Nuka World Discussion

    So, an amusement park filled with raiders.... Isn't Fallout 4 basically like this? Guess they decided to make it literal. I wish they are actually being self-aware by this point.
  10. Uberak

    Create your own Fallout nation!

    Well, here's my hand at the nation creation game. Faction name: Vermonter League ( Officially, the United States of America, but de facto the only state is Vermont.) Leader (Or what his/her title is called): There is no actual head of state, but the commander of the Green Mountaineers, the...
  11. Uberak

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello there folks. I came into the series with New Vegas, having been an avid player of Morrowind. And, I've been getting more into RPGs since then. Additionally, roleplaying outside the video game medium has been my thing since I was a child. Basically, I am addicted to roleplaying, and I...