Recent content by Ulrox

  1. U likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Re: Pandering To Prevarications I'm legally insane, and clinically insane, and I figure he's probably just as if not more insane. :P
  2. U likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Well if fallout 4 means that we get another obsidian spinoff then I'll be happy, if not, then sad. I was also hoping for an obsidian skyrim spinoff but doesn't seem likely either at this stage.
  3. U likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Good point, but this is something that tends to happen to old internet forums/communities. They create a culture and that culture ends up dominating much of what people do. I'm not saying that the new fallout that bethesda is making would be an amazing game, but new vegas opened my eyes to...
  4. U likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Looks like fallout 4, return of the vampire/cannibals, to me. :P
  5. U likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Who in turn is a cat masquerading as a fine gentleman
  6. U

    The Shandification of Fallout

    Yep. Part of the human condition :)
  7. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Ohh yeah, and instead of magic we get psionics. (which were in fallout 1) :P
  8. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Yeah - Fallout 4, now with DRAGONS! w00t. :mrgreen:
  9. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    My point was just to jokingly poke fun at what star wars has/could devolve into. Some people are so upset at what it has become that they would rather it died so they stop getting disappointed. I definately loved fallout new vegas which I've said in many different posts so most of your...
  10. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    Not because of the old republic.........
  11. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    @ Mobucks: - You and me both, not enough games are chill and tactical, and those that are are awesome because you get to sit back and take it easy. In this day and age with the kind of stress that we experience in our lives, we dont actually need "more" stress from games when we get home from...
  12. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    I'm also very very excited for wasteland 2. Its going to be ridiculously awesome, and Age of Decadence, and project eternity, etc etc. I'm as much of an oldschool CRPG gamer (and oldschool gamer) as you can get, and yet I wouldn't say no to a properly balanced fallout 4, or fallout new vegas 2...
  13. U

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    You guys are funny. I thought this site was a fallout fan-site, and yet you want fallout to die...? The irony......
  14. U

    Wasteland 2 tidbits

    The solution is obviously to get an nma person working undercover at bethesda
  15. U

    GamesIndustry Brian Fargo Interview

    I think what brian fargo have been saying here is very exciting. Dont see the :"Brian Fargo the PR guy" at all. Having cause and effect is awesome and definately something I want in my RPGS more than anything in fact.