Recent content by Ultravox

  1. U

    New animations 2

    The metal armor 1 is mostly a handmade armor, The classic armor appearance fit. Sometimes, it looks like the armor seems polished...
  2. U

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    I think Lich has done a better more realistic version of the 233. Pistol, try to contact him. About the m14, i prefer the old image, personally, it fit better if you want realism, and by the way, the M14 is a long range rifle, not a "Assult rifle" thingy.
  3. U

    Talking Heads

    He looks like he got an rock in his face... @Lexx: Awesome!
  4. U

    New animations 2

    OMG really awesome work! What about all animations for the Tribal dude Hero? Edit: Pixote, where did you found the Mr Handy Animation?
  5. U

    FOnline: 2238, Jumping into the 3d era

    The differences than F2 models and VB models are... uh strange...
  6. U

    New animations 2

    I think it will be good if Sulik's got EVERY weapon animations... currently, interplay maked only: -Punching and kicking... -SMG shot and Burst... -Knife... -Spear... It will be funny to see Sulik whit a plasma gun :)
  7. U

    Van Buren Resources Exported!

    Oh my, why these models are so... cubic? so it's mean whe can import the models WHITOUT textures?
  8. U

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    I'm totally agree with Avellone, i really Think F3 is a piece of such crap. I hope Fallout New vegas will be beter tahn This shit.
  9. U

    FALLOUT: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game Restoration Mod

    I hope this mode will bring back the REAL ambiance of fallout... Did someone have noticed fallout demo have An better mapping and athmosphere than the Full version?
  10. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    Okay, i'm ready.
  11. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    Emm... Yea why not... But i warn you: I DON'T HAVE ANY PHOTOSHOP ON MY COMPUTER. :) But... i think i can try.
  12. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    Yaeh, but if you Realy want it, download The pic and cut it. Then you've just have to Improt it in game.
  13. U

    Want to play baball with dogmeat ?

    Hmm. Brother-soifran no updades? Too bad :(
  14. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    So you don't know Timeslip's engine. But i don't think there are critter hardcoded limitations... If it exist, it's too bad :(
  15. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    GUYS!!! NEW ART!!! I... just maked a new IDEA of Critter... Just a compilation of the Hygthwaymen denim's and Tribal body. (I fixed the belt... meaby you will see it). I don't know if i will put tis in my mod... If x'il pass here by coincidence, it will cool if he can do: -Death...