Are the rulesets mods or purely roleplay?
I remember giving the base game a shot a few years ago in single player and not being overly impressed with it but it definitely popped into my mind. Maybe I'll give it another shot, it's right up the my friends alley in terms of style and gameplay and...
I've been gaming with some friends online and we've been looking for good turn-based mulitplayer games. So far we have Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic and Heroes V: Tribes of the East. I've been toying with the idea of playing Fallout: Tactics but I'd really like some more good options. Any...
Kingdom Hearts 1&2 were solid action RPGs whose main flaws were the lack of difficulty and the narative. The pacing was generally pretty good though the grinding to deal with the side content, at least in the first game, was pretty obnoxious, as grinding always is. The gameplay was pretty...
Take a look in your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\) and if there is anything below the following that you did not add, post it here.
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the...
I've heard good things about the XBox version. Rumor is that it has some beta Loot 2.0 features such as improved loot drop rates. Diablo is more fun with friends in the room anyway, the added social factor does it good.
Diablo 3 was, the designers just had no idea how manage an economy and...
No it isn't, it's a really poor decision in order to address a lot of ill-informed whining by a lot of people. The problems with the Auction House (largely the extremely high cost of entry) were a symptom of the real problem, loot drop rates were far too low. People (bots) gaming the Auction...
D2's big advantage was it's better drop rates. You could beat the game on the hardest difficulty without having to grind for gear but you could also stall early on if you built your character wrong, which was easy to do. That said, there was a big "black market" for items and runes that was...
If your motherboard supports dual channel memory (which I'd wager it does) then you should check your BIOS to see if you can turn dual channel off. If you cannot then you need to have 2 identical sticks of RAM in each slot or risk your BIOS throwing up an error. Read up on it on wikipeida...
I think he meant that Loot 2.0 will be an equivalent quality improvement that Synergies were, which is quite possible. The crap drop rates were a major problem when I played and I know that they have been improved since. That said, all of Loot 2.0 (including the Loot Runs?) will be included to...
That hasn't been true since Apple migrated to the Intel x86 (and now x64) architecture. The software manufacturers make the same product for PC and PCs are cheaper for the same quality. People use Apple because they love the brand or the UI, not because of any modern software or hardware advantages.
Loot Runs are sadly the most exciting part of this expansion (something myself and others have been requesting since the beta) and I agree, 1 Act (25% increase), 1 new character, loot runs, and new loot is not enough for a $30 expansion. LoD got away with it because it was a 33% increase and...
This Microsoft help thread is extremely relevant and a good reason not to invest money into your system:
Basically 4GB is the maximum amount of RAM that...
The 3D assets are of less concern to me than the fugly GUI. InXile can do better than that and have in previous demos. The GUI in this video looks way better than what we see there.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I'm not...
Stats and skills are distint. Skills are meaningful while stats are generally not. New Vegas modified the system to make stats have a greater impact so no, they are not the same. Skills too are more important as it's more difficult to max out every skill. It's still highly flawed but at least...