Recent content by Vault Dweller Donny

  1. Vault Dweller Donny

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    It still holds up pretty well imo, Ive been having a blast
  2. Vault Dweller Donny

    The soundtrack of New Vegas is S Tier

    New Vegas has one of my favorite soundtracks in gaming, some others would be the underrated Ninja Gaiden Black, Oblivion/Skyrim, and Rome Total War, New Vegas does benefit from a lot of ambient tracks from F1, F2 and F3, but the music from earlier games works and is amazing when in games, and...
  3. Vault Dweller Donny

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    I like the Brotherhood, but as a side faction or minor part in the game, in 1, 2, and New Vegas they were more off to the side, I really liked the lore New Vegas added with the Brotherhood, Father Elijah, Veronica, Christine, and the NCR VS Brotherhood war is very cool
  4. Vault Dweller Donny

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Currently playing Dragon Age Origins, Doom 3 again... and Borderlands 2!
  5. Vault Dweller Donny

    Fallout 2s Story is epic

    I just finished a thorough Fallout 2 playthrough after not playing it for a few years, one thing I noticed was how epic the story is, Even little things like the video with matt saying the chosen one has come and the process of getting to the oil rig, and as a gamer who always plays the most...
  6. Vault Dweller Donny

    Fauna, Flora, Factions, and Facilities of the Wasteland

    For your rewrite of Fallout 3, I think having a major storyline for Talon Company could be cool. Talon Company is vying for control of the Capital Wasteland, They are battling and defeating Raider Tribes, and absorbing warriors from conquered Tribes into their ranks, Commander Jabsco views...
  7. Vault Dweller Donny

    What are your thoughts on the upcoming Fallout TV show?

    I will say I am a bit worried, Reading documents from people working on the show, it seems like the showrunners haven't actually played the games at all, and I have a nasty feeling that either intentionally or unintentionally that the show is going to retcon lore from the classics, or just...
  8. Vault Dweller Donny

    Would you have rather gotten Van Buren but no New Vegas?

    That is a good point, New Vegas gives me that feeling of just wanting more, which is helped by the large quantity of quest mods though
  9. Vault Dweller Donny

    Would you have rather gotten Van Buren but no New Vegas?

    This is definitely a tough question, New Vegas was my entry into west coast fallout. but with a seamless open world you are ultimately limited to an overall smaller geographic area in comparison to Fallout 1 and 2. imo van burens main quest beats out New Vegas, and I actually like the more sci...
  10. Vault Dweller Donny

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    When I was about 9 I think me and my parents were at some pawn shop, prior to this the only semi RPG game I had played was Marvel Ultimate Alliance from 2006, I ended up spotting a copy of Fallout 3 on the shelf, At the time it was my introduction to RPGs and open world games in general. I loved...
  11. Vault Dweller Donny

    How do you deal with the disappointment that being a Fallout fan brings?

    I thank you all for your welcoming words. I have been a Fallout fan for much of my life and I am a bit younger, in my early 20s so I went back and sought out the classics after getting new vegas when it came out, I am trying to learn more and be more involved in the Fallout community
  12. Vault Dweller Donny

    How do you deal with the disappointment that being a Fallout fan brings?

    As someone who loves classic Fallout and New Vegas, I feel a deep melancholy, I want more but its unlikely we will ever see a true sequel to the west coast Fallouts, New Vegas was great but was a fraction of what Van Buren could have been, and as the years go by it seems more and more unlikely...