Recent content by VaultBreh

  1. VaultBreh

    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    hi, i need a bit help about miria. I tried searched here and there but cant find what is miria's stat/skill growth with level up? i need numbers, like how high her small guns skill? energy weapons skill? her SPECIAL?
  2. VaultBreh

    Help with Sexpert?

    Condition to get: sex with 10 people or more My dude has been in cats paw more than 30 times, with GVAR_PLAYER_SEX_LEVEL=420 but still dont have this trait. Meanwhile my girl only have GVAR_PLAYER_SEX_LEVEL=352 and already got this. Why is my dude cant get that trait? (playing with restoration...
  3. VaultBreh

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    henlo frens, can this feature added to party order now? or its still bugged?
  4. VaultBreh

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    hi, hello, sorry if this off topic, but i cant find any thread about ddraw.ini I just want to ask about this config in ddraw, ;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed ;Higher values of WorldMapEncounterRate cause a slower encounter rate...
  5. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    i'm actually already playing with your mod, i asked about FWR compatibility. But i didnt know theres a new version with trait modifying, i'm still playing with 1.98.4. Gonna download and try a run with unarmed junkie build.
  6. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    oh dammit, but i still dont know why the perk isnt working when i added it with save editor. I tried having Drug Resist and Flower Child at the same time and still got addicted. Are their addiction reducing chance not accumulated? like, only one taking effect?
  7. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    ah yep, the stat reduction. I just realized when you said it. Soo, am i wrong from the start? Flower Child doesnt reduce the stat reduction duration from chems but instead reducing the recovering period when i got addicted?
  8. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    Isnt RPU forked from Killaps?
  9. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    huh, then why when i tested the perk it feels like not having an effect? i mean the addicted chance and withdrawal time seems same. I also use RPU, EcCO and FO2Tweak, could it be one of them responsible? Update: well i tried added Flower Child again just now, it still gave me 24 hour withdrawal...
  10. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    eh, like i mentioned above, i added the perk to my chosen with save editor, then tried it in-game. Perk description said less chance to get addicted (50% less), certainly not working since i still get drug addiction debuff too often (compared with using Drug Resistant trait) and the withdrawal...
  11. VaultBreh

    Adding Legacy Perk in FO2

    hello fellow vaulties, i really love the perk Flower Child in FO1 and really disappointed it doesnt available in the second game. When i tried added it with F2Explorer it only appear on the perk list but it has no effect. Any modder that can make it for me? I know i can add custom perk with...