I'm hung up on the Romeo and Juliette quest in Winds of War.
I've talked to Robert and his girl, it's night, I have a rope equipped and when I talk to him I only have the "I don't have any good news now" line.
I have searched the base for any place to use the rope and haven't found one.
What am...
A prosperous country is one where the common worker gets paid enough to live on and stores do not usually have empty shelves. Quite the opposite of communist economies.
How do I get to the New Reno Stadium?
I'm playing extended English on Linux with Wine.
The north exit grid from Hotel Silver goes to the courtyard behind the El Dorado. Is this a bug?
Never mind about the Stadium, I found the way.
There are communist societies. They're in places like Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba. All were at one time prosperous, now since communism they are dirt poor.
In the Modoc mine is there some way to improve your chances of getting ore from the seams? I just spent a very boring two hours pounding fruitlessly with the rock hammer.
Megamod -2.47.5.
Just learned gecko skinning from Smiley, went off to hunt in the Klamath hunting ground. Geckos not dropping skins on death.
I tried setting gecko skin drop in on_death.ini, no help.
Having the pipboy makes no difference. You must have at least one item in inventory. For some reason adding to an empty inventory causes the game to crash on reload.
Is there some way to intercept a skill and modify it before it goes to the engines handler?
I'm modifying Timeslips fake trait script and what I want to do is give a bonus to some skills while adding a penalty to others. Using critter_mod_skill adds the absolute value so using -10 adds 10 to...