Recent content by YeeCop

  1. YeeCop

    Intelligent Deathclaws

    Oh you killed ghouls who murdered Tenpenny tower residents as retribution? Bigot bigot bigot also says Three Dog.
  2. YeeCop

    What is an immersive sim, to you?

    An immersive sim to me is a game that truly, for at least an extended period of time, has me escape reality for a bit and sink into the "reality" of what video game is in front of me. New Vegas does seem to do the trick, but really any game that captures my attention.
  3. YeeCop

    Midwestern Power Armor should've been "T-60"

    This is an especially interesting deviation given the T-45s introduced in Fo3 were slightly inferior to T-50s, but had the advantage of mass production. Guess that tidbit doesn't matter anymore! It's all about the newest kewl pre-war power armor. Guarantee you Fallout 5 will have some other...
  4. YeeCop

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I mean I feel like an old-timer already at 26, but nah besides Kilus and a few others. Honestly, the Fallout TV show reignited my interest in these forums again as well. That's one objectively good thing they've done, I suppose.
  5. YeeCop

    episode showed he could drive a rock with absolute grace and precision.

    episode showed he could drive a rock with absolute grace and precision.
  6. YeeCop

    Always confused me why SpongeBob went through the effort of getting his driver's license and...

    Always confused me why SpongeBob went through the effort of getting his driver's license and failing everytime, when the pizza delivery
  7. YeeCop

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Yeah, but The Master wasn't even a proper Super Mutant - he was just some mutated curiosity like Harold. The dude had a corridor filled with the giblets of dead psykers, he was clearly not fit to run his movement, doing shit like calling your entire lifework quits over one hangup. Lieutenant is...
  8. YeeCop

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    I completely agree with your takes on Vault City, and New Reno. Vault City perfectly came across as the elitist, shuttered society that would've suffocated on their own farts had they not surfaced, let alone ally with NCR. New Reno felt like an anarcho-New Vegas, from an initial post New Vegas...
  9. YeeCop

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Hahaha, why though? I love Fallout 2, don't get me wrong, but it's the worst of the Interplay/Black Isles/Obsidian issues (not counting Tactics or BoS). It'd be better than Fallout in nearly every way if not for the obnoxious near Bethesda pop culture bombarding.
  10. YeeCop

    Regarding Assaultrons

    Tbh Assaultrons come across as Bethesda wanting to finalize the design for Sentry Bots. They look like a Mk2 Sentry Bot to me, at least.
  11. YeeCop

    Why are there no fallout comics?

    Seconded. I'd ideally love to see Fallout comics, but given who owns the IP and how they've been treating it lately... nah bro. However, if I came across fan-made comics that did the lore and story of Fallout justice, I'd be down to read them.
  12. YeeCop

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Man, come on. Even if you personally like the show, you know the level of quality and honoring of the original material we all on this forum expect for Fallout-related material. The show failed to deliver both of that.
  13. YeeCop

    Well, I'm not gonna ask you about your business, when you've got a big iron on your hip. I'm not...

    Well, I'm not gonna ask you about your business, when you've got a big iron on your hip. I'm not willing to make a slip.
  14. YeeCop

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    Son of a bitch, they killed off Prey!! Total Death to Bethesda
  15. YeeCop

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    Fuckin beat me to the punch, why don't you? But yeah, quality my ass. Bethesda would help out with Tamriel Rebuilt if they were worth anything.