This seems to have worked no more error message.
I assume the dialog loops back? doesn't seem to be an option to go to the island although idk if that's intentional or not. Also thanks so much for helping thought my Dayglow run might've been ruined.
Put Sonora into the directory then Dayglow into directory too with nothing else installed
Any preferred method for the save game? apparently the zip file is too big for NMA.
Not sure if this is relevant but I have also had this border glitch the whole game. Not been game breaking but thought I should mention it incase it's related.
Running the V1.02 of Sonora + Dayglow and running into this issue which is preventing me from progressing the Dayglow DLC. Had a few issues with the items displaying as "-DLC" or just "." but this is the first bug that has stopped progression. I tried a fresh 1.02 reinstall to see if it would...