zegh8578's latest activity

  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 replied to the thread Russia attacks Ukraine.
    territorial concessions... and no, we're not giving up any land.
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 reacted to Post-War Tribal's post in the thread Russia attacks Ukraine with Like Like.
    Plot twist on the plot twist. It started when Putin sent in Igor Girkin to destabilise the region.
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 replied to the thread Russia attacks Ukraine.
    A civil war doesn't become American, just because Americans take note of it; the Russo Ukrainian conflict was bound to become...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    and in case you wondered, I asked wtf is the difference between Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus, cus every answer seems to...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    people who think researchers are in "ivory towers" just never bothered to ask a scientist, or - worse - were too busy insulting them on...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    one of them happens to be the #1 tyrannosaurus expert in the world. not too long ago, i emailed an author about a skeleton, and he...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 updated their status.
    I often think of people describing scientists as "ivory tower" types, and just now i asked a dino-question, and got 2 highly respected...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    I also got a soft spot for the tragedy sub genre of rich dad takes entire family up in the propellar plane, and then dives and crashes...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    Such a specific genre of tragedy, as well as... you know... dark comedic gold, *chim chim chim* meeeerry christmas, hooo, hooo, hooo...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 updated their status.
    Watching story after story about X-mas eve family-annihilation events, where perp (usually dad) kills everybody dressed as Santa Claus