I definitely agree with The Dutch Ghost. As a person who is not familiar with the first or second fallout games, just the idea of California would be interesting, yet staying true to the progression of the general story would be key in a series. And this is where I stand with respect to The...
I really appreciate your input, but let me just clear a few things up. Its not that I don't respect the opinions of others who despise fallout 3, I was just wondering the reason for the immediate hostility towards it. I joined this forum not knowing that it was such a controversial topic that I...
Like a sad abused housewife of middle-class America, I truly feel too oppressed to get my ideas across. The possibility of being ostracized by the community that I so willingly wanted to be apart of suppresses me to the fear of defeat. What am I referring to? The pure crucifixion of the game...
About 90% positive you cant go back and complete this quest. I really couldn't tell you too much about commanding and such, since I don't own a PC version of the game. What is very interesting about the Wasteland Survival Guide quest is the fact that you can skip over some of the objectives so...
Yeah, i definitely agree. The moment of awe that you get when you first step out of the vault is literally breathtaking. Even today, when engines are so much better and graphics can look sooo real, i still get that feeling of wonder an excitement to this day....that idea of being immersed in the...
Hello everyone! A little delayed i suppose, but better late than never...
I'm Connor and a HUGE fallout fan ever since my discovery of Fallout 3 in 2008. Obsession is a very accurate word to be honest. I am very happy to join the #1 fallout fan site and truly become one with the fallout...
Yeah i totally see what your saying :clap: This basic idea creating a sandbox world with such elements that reflect our world and society is genius. I mean creating a game that mimics that of real life... how would it not be popular???
As many great epics are made for the silver screen, i.e. Star Wars, Lord Of the Rings, ect., the very existence of these films does justice to the escence that make them what they are, popular films.
It is the fans that make a franchise great and not whether the movie is perfect enough to...