I am halfway through the game and I am yet to get a single special encounter. Ice, a character in my party, has an outdoorsman skill of120 and had the explorer perk. I have not been able to cap my frame rate, so I'm not sure if that's related. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
I haven't been on this forum in about three years, but I was recently playing Fallout 2 (which I never actually managed to complete) and something left me perturbed. I was ransacking the graves of Golgotha, and as I shamelessly pilfered from the fallen souls of New Reno, I accidentally rescued a...
The amount of patience it must take for him, after all that effort that he put into trying to make the mod a little less shit than it ended up being, to then sit through that interview so he can be berated by 12 year old fascist trolls for multiple hours is much more than I could ever muster...
Honestly the project lead doesn't seem like that bad of a guy overall, he just let his team have tooo much freedom and not near enough oversight. I wouldn't blame him as much as the rest of the team.
Have you all seen the interview?
I can't tell which is worse. The depressed developer slowly accepting that he wasted years on a shit mod, or the annoying Nazis in the chat whose biggest problem is that they can't be the enclave, and who are on about the JQ and Israel shit. Either way its a...
This is so fucking weird, if you want trigger warning stuff just put it in the options menu to filter out certain content or something... this kind of stuff is immersion breaking for everyone, including the people its trying to help.
I've been on the discord for a few months now, but I've just been lurking bc I know they'll ban me if I say anything. I was very amused a few minutes ago to discover it was deleted without an announcement. I wanted to download it on release, but my gaming computer is broken so I figured I'd...