Fallout 2 mod Combat jacket with blue jeans for Player character? (Absolutely new to modding FO 1/2)


First time out of the vault
Is there any guide somewhere here for viewing, extracting and editing player character sprites in FO1/2?

I want to alter the combat jacket to have blue jeans/long hair similar to NPC sprites but I don't know the first thing about modding. I am aware there are thousands of sprites to edit for such a small alteration but I need to start somewhere, I don't even know what to do after extracting the FRM files from DAT. If I learn more maybe I can help in the future in projects for other aesthetic changes to armor.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


  • sprite.png
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I am willing to take on the multiple thousands of sprites to alter the PC combat leather jacket in order to replicate the look, I just don't know how or where to begin.
This is an old guide to copy & paste different Critters together to make a new one. I'm assuming you can use GIMP instead of Photoshop too:

The FRM Extractor is available here in Resources. The Fallout General Modding section has a video guide series by Quantum Apprentice tagged you should check out too. At the end of the Make New Critters in Blender video, he shows you for making any new character, you have to make a Proto File of that sprite. ProtoManager is also in the Resources section, but be warned, anti virus software will delete the .exe. If you're using any anti virus, you have to go in and check ProtoManager as a program for the scans to ignore.
This is extremely helpful, thank you.

Would I really need to make a new proto file if I am planning on altering an existing assortment of sprites, specifically for the male hero leather jacket?
There is no need to create new proto files for this.

Other than that, this is not easy at all. I started creating the spear animations for the Ian critter, since in Fo1 they are supposed to use the weapon in an encounter. You can't just take the leather jacket sprites and paint the pants blue. First, you will lose all details on them and have to handpaint the highlights on it, and second, you'll have to handpaint the white shirt that shows out from under the partly opened jacket at the top as well.

The current wip animation files are already integrated into ettu. There is still a lot missing-- Not sure when or if I will ever finish that set. Technically it's not *that* hard for me, I just lack the patience, since every single animation direction needs to be tested and tweaked and fixed and... and...

Anyways, here are the wip files. Maybe someone else can find the motivation to finish it.
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What I have been doing is garbage work, using mspaint to highlight then cut and paste the mmaxx/Ian legs over hmmaxx. I've never modded classic fallout or even touched sprite art before so this is just a little something to tinker with and learn for now.

Thanks for dropping the wip, when I have more experience and some actual ability to add detail/shading wth Gimp (never used photo editing software either) I'd be eager to lend a hand.

When using the restoration mods to add a long haired hero, are those separate sprites from the standard player character or is there some other method to add long hair to an already existing list of frm files? I am asking because my intent would be to make this outfit work for a long haired character.