Pause Mode for Fallout Tactics


First time out of the vault
Is it possible to pause the game to give orders to the team?The answer is yes, the game has it built in from the very beginning.There's just one little problem, so...If I am already in the game when I press "ESC", is it possible for the "menu" window not to appear and the game to be paused, or is it possible to somehow make the menu window smaller so that it does not bother me too much?

Can anyone tell me which file will be responsible for this, how to open it, and with what program?


I've already dealt with this. The solution is very easy.

Just copy the zar file of some misc and put it in the "back" folder

redviewer you can see what a given zar file looks like.

Delete the "menu" folder and change the name of our misc to "menu"

After pressing "ESC" during the game, a small dot will appear and we can safely give orders.

// menus
I = {inventory}
S = {skilldex}
C = {character}
P = {pipboy}
M = {pipboyMap}
O = {options}
escape = {menu}
tab = {scores}
H = {help}
<alt>X = {quit}
<ctrl>S = {save}
<alt>S = {quickSave}
<ctrl>L = {load}
<alt>L = {quickLoad}
pause = {pause}
npenter = {toggleMinimap}
add = {zoomInMinimap}
subtract = {zoomOutMinimap}
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Yes, it works the same way as in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. We can pause the game to issue commands to a party member. It's not perfect, as opening a character's inventory causes the game to resume, but it still works quite well. We also can't move the camera while paused, but we can double-click a character's name to center the camera on them.

The overall effect is pretty good.
No way! I still find this hard to believe. After checking from time to time for several years if there’s now a pause mod, only to get disappointed, and now this? This is great news! But can you elaborate more on how you did it? Think of me as technically illiterate; I can’t make sense of what you wrote. Will download the game again when I get home.

Thank you,

*But then I only ever play it using turn based mode. BG1&2 gameplay is superb, but never for use in Fallout of course.
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To each his own I guess. I prefer RTwP over turn-based, but that’s just a personal preference. If it was purely a turn-based game, I would have just accepted it as it is. Unfortunately, it offers real-time combat too, one that can become very unwieldy in combat. So, I’ve always wanted its RT combat to have a pause feature.
To each his own I guess. I prefer RTwP over turn-based, but that’s just a personal preference. If it was purely a turn-based game, I would have just accepted it as it is. Unfortunately, it offers real-time combat too, one that can become very unwieldy in combat. So, I’ve always wanted its RT combat to have a pause feature.
I love both series very much, Fallout and Baldur's Gate, however not with the mechanics swapped. Each their own (mechanics) is defining of their IP.

I was quite disappointed when Torment (and later BG3) both used turn based mechanics in deviation from their established IP; same of course with F03. That said, what I saw of the combat in BG3 seemed very good and well done, but out of place in a Baldur's Gate sequel.

As far as the preference argument usually goes... yeah to each their own favorite, but consider an Elder Scrolls 6 that plays like Divinity 2; would that really be appropriate for an official Elder Scrolls sequel? It would seem contrary to the tenets and intent of the IP, would it not?
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Yeah, I can respect that thought. I too love both the series. It’s really just that Tactics provide RT combat, and considering my preference of RTwP, I can’t shake off my system to desire to have a pause feature for it. It’s a personal preference. To be clear though, I have nothing against turn-based; there are a lot of TB games that I love.
The best realtime tactics games that I have played are the Myth series l&ll. Hectic, frenetic chaos, but the pause menu trick works on them both, and doesn't show on game recordings; which has me sometimes doubting the many No Casualties videos one sees of them. This game is brutally difficult and unforgiving fun.
I’m not familiar with .zar, first time I’ve heard of such a thing. I haven’t invested some time into Tactics modding, thus far.

The program is included in this (found in Drobovik database):

Found the redviewer. Thanks, Zaius.

Hope the OP could elaborate more on the steps.

Edit: I think I get what you mean now. The zar files are the graphic/art files of the game. I extracted the bos files by converting them first to zip files then extracted them. But where is the “menu folder” to be deleted? Found a menu.zar, replaced it with a an empty zar of my own (empty png converted to zar using the FT tools), but the menu is only partially removed and the buttons are still visible.

Edit: Okay, I give up trying to figure this out on my own. I’ve looked everywhere — there’s no “menu folder” to delete. I don’t think this actually works.
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I'm translating now.

Program RedView is only used for reading ZAR files to help us see what our menu will look like after replacing the files. I recommend choosing a file from the "cursor" folder since they are small. If you've found one, copy it and rename it to "Menu."

Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout Tactics\core\gui\cursor

Alright, now we delete the "menu" file from the folder and replace it with our modified one.

Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout Tactics\core\gui\back

Now, the main menu will look like our small replaced file.

There's nothing else to do since the pause system in Fallout Tactics works right from the start.

I'll upload a YouTube video tomorrow.

Remember that you now practically have no access to the in-game menu, so you need to use the keyboard shortcuts I provided above.
It works, thank you! The only thing missing I believe is that you have to delete the gui bos file. Ah, finally! Thanks a lot!
Here's a simple video showing how to do it, along with a little gameplay. I made a video yesterday, but I didn't do a good job, so I put more effort into making this one.
