Creating New Holodisks


First time out of the vault
A friend of mine on Discord had this idea to include the Vault Dweller's Memoir in Fallout 2, but he didn't know how to go about doing this. I decided to make a new holodisk for this, but couldn't find much info on the topic. I'm sure most of you already know how to do this, but I made a short video on the necessary steps for creating new holodisks.
Awesome! You should be given the memoirs along with the Pipboy after you've finished the Temple. Maybe something for RPU?
Awesome! You should be given the memoirs along with the Pipboy after you've finished the Temple. Maybe something for RPU?
I haven't implemented this to my game yet (just did this to show a friend how to do it). My original thought was to add it to the shelf container in the Elder's tent so the player can stumble upon it if they chose to search the Elder's tent. Adding it to the player's inventory upon receiving the Vault suit and Pipboy would make much more since, though.
I just finished making the mod, and it works (I changed a couple of things from the video version, like having the tape added automatically after you get the Pipboy). Now I need to go back and add the full "memoir" text to the tape. I am also trying to figure out if this mod can be made more compatible with other mods by using script hooks rather than editing existing files.