It's still a giant turd in the end, regardless how much you polish it. And might as well play a game that is already good in vanilla, than shoving a ton of mods into a shit game.
Seriously this "game gets good with mods" is not flattering, it actually makes the game worse. Devs are paid to make the game good, and it shouldn't fall to the player to do it for free.
Even better. FNV is the most overrated RPG in existence. Yes, more so than Planescape even. Mods this, mods that. I used to be like that. Then I learned that me designing a better game by modding it, does not make the game good. It means I am doing all the work to make it bearable. Too much LARPING these days.
People here always start with that disclaimer too: I know Fallout 3 is shit BUT...
I bought all the DLC, the collectors edition, sucked Todd's cock, but fuck Bethesda amirite?