No. I mean, what's the point in making them interchangeable in usages when they clearly aren't synonyms? That's why the new FFVII is classified as a remake, and a remaster, because it's built from the ground up.
This bugged me earlier too. I thought FF8 was getting a remake when it is just a remaster. Maybe it is getting a remake after 7 or something but either way the confusion ensued.
I think most people understand the term Reboot, but Remaster and Remake tend to get used interchangeably a lot since they're both similar. Remasters just polish up graphics whereas Remakes are built from the ground up, which improved graphics are kinda a given.
@Big No "Remakes are built from the ground up..." Well, that contradicts the previous sentence you typed, because games being "rebuilt", instead of being dollied-up, is what separates the two terms to the point that they aren't similar (not that they ever were) in the first place. I somehow doubt most people know the difference — otherwise there wouldn't be any confusion.