No Mutants Allowed

I would also like to start off by saying that I know nothing about Fallout, so anything I do in the future regarding his campaign will be done through thorough research from various sources, as well as the guidance of his campaign members. I do not want to overstep in this area of his life as this was all a huge passion for him, and the last thing that I want to do is put an incorrect mark down.
But basically, Atomic was killed on his way home from a bar. Most of you know this already, but I figure I can at least share a concrete detail such as that. I won't go into more detail regarding it as not only have I been asked not to, but I don't think it is something that I should be sharing with the entire world. But yes, he is no longer with us.
My goal right now is that tomorrow, I will be back in town and visit Atomic's apartment where I will go through his computer to locate any and all files regarding his Van Buren campaign. I mean anything. I don't know how this forum works, but if there are drafts, I will probably be going through those as well. I say this because if you see that he is online, it is me. I don't wanna freak anyone out, haha.
After I get all of the files that I can find, I will discuss with his campaign group what to do further, as they know what was going on more than I did. The hope is that I will be able to make a mass post either on my account or one of their accounts of everything that is documented, and to hopefully make a huge Google Doc of everything.
This was, and I can not stress this enough, an absolute passion project of his. He was so, SO proud of what he had created and how he was actively having such an amazing group of people to start this campaign with, and it makes me so happy to see how much he was appreciated on this forum. I just want to make sure everyone is able to see all that he is done, and that his work doesn't go down in vain.
Hey take your time and feel free not to share anything else that is enough info for random internet people. I was just getting to know him a little better so it hit me a little hard when I found out but I bet this is overwhelming for you so just take it easy.
Please be patient as I do this, though. I am a college student and this entire thing is just. A Lot right now. I promise to you all that this will be done, though. Thank you all for being here for him and supporting him in doing what he loved most regarding the media he loved most.
His Watch Has Ended.
Like I say you have done enough as is so don't over extend yourself unless you want to.
Thanks! Don't worry, this is something that I really wanna do for not only him, but all of y'all as well :)
I'm so sorry for your loss. I only knew him from what I've read in his postings but to me he was a very fine person. I can't imagine what you're going through.