No Mutants Allowed

Not unless it's your own project thread. If you do I will usually just merge the post if at NMA but if you do it a lot (it's lazy and rude the forum is dead deal with it) I will just start deleting your shit.
william dempsey
william dempsey
Yeah I know the forum is dead as a dildo. I was trying to perk it up .I have made no project threads. If my post is last in a thread it acts as a period/ full stop.
I think the important thing is to just have conversations with people but everyone wants to talk about their favorite brand of fart.
For The Order specifically: If it’s been a while without any activity in the thread make a new post but make it clear that you are intentionally double posting to bring attention to the new content
william dempsey
william dempsey
I have had bot messages on the likes of Youtube, I reply for a laugh. Although never respond to the. Whatsapp me on 92193745 shit.
For NMA: Depending on how retarded your double post is I will either call you a faggot or just merge the post and call you a faggot.
william dempsey
william dempsey
Cheers, It is the likes of the philosophy thread + one or 2 others. I am quite aware these threads lack human beans. But if a few do chat then maybe a visitor will see action.
william dempsey
william dempsey
Lol but does that not create a double faggot. Merged faggotry sounds way to pervy for my catholic tastes
Those can be bumped but the fact of the matter is not many post in it to bump you back. Just use your breign.