That second reply shows that you were attached to these characters and their deaths had an emotional impact. I don't even have to try argue, you basically said that media isn't all about brainless entertainment by your reaction to the deaths of these fictional (not real) characters.
I haven't read every comment so sorry if I missed that. I think the tonal shift was good because it stopped it from being too similar, which was my big gripe with TFA. And the ending was was sad, but because their final moments were completing their mission (and SW fans know that these plans help to destroy the Death Star) it became more bittersweet.
Yeah but it made more sense to be Tarkin, he was the Governor after all. At this point in time Vader was just that Sith warrior that worked for the Emperor (I might be wrong it's just that Disney un-canonized a bunch of stuff so I don't know if he still has any titles/official positions in the Empire).
Wasn't Vader more like the big warrior (ala Lanius) while Tarkin was akin to one of the people in command of said warrior during ANH? IIRC, Tarkin could order Vader around and not fear being choked at any time due to his position.