I also got Mad Max, pretty cool game and I usually do not like driving and/or action games much.
I already owned Wasteland 2 and it is also a cool game.
Now good luck finding Dinki-Di to keep you sustained.
If it is good or not depends. I haven't had any bugs or problems yet.
If you're asking if it is fun, I have been having fun with it. But it might become repetitive for some people. Do not expect a RPG.
I do like the (small quantity) of dialogue. It seems well written and how the characters speak do remind me of some from the movies. Combat is also not deep, mostly mashing the mouse buttons (1 to attack press longer for strong attack 2 to block/defend) and occasionally we press space to do some finisher move (depending if we already unlocked the move).
Saves are all auto saves, but you can manual save by entering the "Auto saves" option on the pause screen and choose an auto save slot (it does save the game when you do that, even if you pick the same slot).
If you are cleaning an enemy camp and you die, you are returned to (usually) the entrance of the camp unless the game auto saved inside the camp (which it does sometimes and I think before bosses too) but usually the enemies you killed will still be killed and you only have to kill the remaining ones.
Damn 420 characters limit
I already owned Wasteland 2 and it is also a cool game.
Now good luck finding Dinki-Di to keep you sustained.