No Mutants Allowed

Mr Fish
Mr Fish
them my phone number. I declined cause I don't like it when sites ask for too much personal information. So I create it and select an avatar, put up my description "yes." and my location was "some pond" then I followed some cRPG devs and the Drunken Peasants.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
At which point Twitter decided to lock my account and go "oh well gee it appears as if you've done suspicious things that fits in with what a bot would do... I guess you're going to have to give us your phone number after all ;)"
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
That's just plain creepy to me. I don't give a shit what security measures they have to take against bots. First it asks me if I 'want' to give my phone number, which I fucking decline. Then it goes "well fuck you, we're locking this account until you do".