No Mutants Allowed

10/10 implies that there is nothing wrong with the game. Whilst I haven't played it yet (will at the end of the month), I can say with certainty that it cannot be objectively perfect.
do rating out of 100 that way its easy. I don't think the game is 10/10 from what I've seen. I guess its the best resident evil in years but still not as good as 4. And res 4 was't 100/100
But I think a game can be 10/10 if i had the rate games like NV i would 10/10. However if I rated it out of hundres it probably be like a 94 because they still a few think I might of liked. I dunno I just have never been in to rating games out 10/10 because there are defo games like NV that would get about 9/10. so yeah rate out of a 100 much easyier
CT Phipps
CT Phipps
The big issue is that games like Dead Space which I have also given 10 out of 10 are technically perfect but I ENJOYED RE7 despite its flaws more.
Deleted member 93956
First, grades are mostly useless exactly for that reason. Shovel Knight having the same rating as, say, Uncharted 4 is ridiculous becouse they can't be rated equally. It requires more work to give on a non-numerical conclusion, and you look like you are better than that.
Secondly, as a non-fan, I just had an "okay I guess" experience.
Deleted member 93956
It's not a must-play (more if you haven't played the other good REs) and to compare that I played, SOMA had a way better story and previous RE or even Penumbra had more interesting gameplay. It may be better for fans but that's hardly a 10% the rating imo.
Arnust have you played the first two games and the fourth one?
Deleted member 93956
Know some rough stuff like the beloved tropes, listened to a podcast about 2 long ago and no. Only played Revelations 1 and watched a Rev 2 LP.
At least play the fourth one. RE4 wins on c00l points. And it's set in Spain so it'll be perfect for you.
Deleted member 93956
Wuut, wasn't it in center europe? Eve if they speak spanish and use peseta? ;p
Nope it's rural Spain.

There's lots of Spanish used. I bet you don't know what "el gigante" means.
Deleted member 93956
Intrigued. Does it involve very small people?
Yeah actually. There's this midget dude with a disease that makes him age super quick.
CT Phipps
CT Phipps
I revised my score to 9/10 since it is a flawed game even if I loved it. Just mildly flawed.