There's a bomb collar, on your neck, which beeps, faster and faster, gradually, not to mention there's a vault exploding all around you.
And? ;P If you just keep walking like a motherfucker, you can escape. You need to instakill Elijah the second he exits the shields though.
Heheh, maybe. Nah, I damn well deserved that gold after what the DLC put me though. Not a fan of that one.
.. No you didn't. The whole point of the DLC was that you have to either let go of your greed or be trapped forever.
That's odd, you can indeed leave with all the money~ ;P Its hard, but you can do it. Its like the Navaro run.
Heck, tons of ads for the dlc and EVEN THE INTRO says "Finding it though, that's not the hard's letting go."