No Mutants Allowed

It also has great music and sound.

If one can see past the boring dialogue system and the dated graphics (and I guess younger people and/or people who never played P&P, also might need to get used to the combat system). It is a solid 3D open world fantasy action RPG.
Is it the best thing since carrot cake? No. But it is still good for people who enjoy these type of games. I can play Morrowind easier than I can play Oblivion and way more easier than I can play Skyrim without getting bored because I am a P&P fan. It is a game designed to be P&P in feel although quite limited by the hardware and software of the time.
Ben Soto
Ben Soto
I don't hate the graphics. I don't hate the obtuse mechanics. I don't even hate the dice roll combat. But I can't fucking stand the absolutely horrendous tour guide dialogue system. It's horrible.
Black Angel
Black Angel
By that argument, Fallout 2 is complete turd because it has Coffin Willy and Wannamigoes (Aliens), just like Fallout 4 because it has Kid in the Fridge and Cabot House.

That kind of line of reasoning is the exact same as the ones applied by Bethesdapologist.
Those flaws are tolerable for me since the positives outweigh the negatives (like a main story that has a degree of philosophical depth to it, a good portrayal of character progression i.e from random schlock and more that @Risewild already mentioned). Those positives do merit Morrowind's decent reputation even if aspects of it do not age well.
Another thing to consider was that Morrowind was made by less than 30 people, and at some point only 6 people were working on it.
My biggest gripes are that every, and I do mean EVERY, character has a unique name despite most characters having nothing new to say due to the games wierd obtuse Wikipedia dialogue system. And sometime the journal doesn't write down enough information. Also because there's so few unique characters with meaningful and unique dialogue the world feels even more static and dead than skyrim at times.
@Crni Vuk I don't get this "It's an X Year Old Game" defence given that a couple of my favourite games are from the 90s, and I would genuinely say that they aren't any worse by modern standards. If a game is genuinely good, it's good regardless of how much technology progresses.
Although it's a bit harsh to say Morrowind is worse, it's just that Daggerfall is better than a 15 years old game. RP system is more clear (bethesda writers spell it out where to cheat) and, you'd never think of it, @Risewild, look akin to Interlock (CP2020), which is absolutely fantastic bonus point.
interlock? you mean the fan remake of CP2020? @0wing
@eissa No, the original. The system has such name, CP2020 and IL are two wired together entities. Fan remake is known as Interlock Unlimited.
Black Angel
Black Angel
@Jogre I think what Crni means with it being a 15-years old game, is that it has all the excuse of being the predecessor in the series, thus the technical limitation and other arguments. The thing about Grapes's argument is that he wants to argue that Morrowind, the older game, is just as shitty as Skyrim, the newer game.
No I never said it was just as shitty.
Black Angel
Black Angel
It's like those moments where Bethesdapologist tried to argue that Cabot House and Kid in the Fridge is okay in Fallout 4, because there were Coffin Willy and Wannamingoes in Fallout 2.

Except the arguments were inverted, with Grapes trying to argue that the older game is just 'as overrated as' the newer game.
That's not near the same. One is something not learning from the mistakes of its predecessors and the other is a game with unprecedented flaws.
Black Angel
Black Angel
'Mistakes of its predecessors' and 'unprecedented flaws' is the exact same thing in this case, I'd say. Both Fallout 2 and Morrowind made mistakes/have flaws, but that's okay-ish because they're the older game/the predecessor in the series. The problem is that Fallout 4/Skyrim didn't learn from them, and keep repeating the same mistake/having the same flaws.
Black Angel
Black Angel
Oh, and don't forget we're talking about Bethesda, here. They're not exactly learning from the mistakes/flaws of their past games, and instead went on to remove all the good stuff like we see in Skyrim/Fallout 4.

Hell, we even have 0wing here who argued that Morrowind is worse than Daggerfall.
In terms of RPG I prefer Daggerfall to Morrowind too. Morrowind was already dumbed down in it's RPG mechanics and systems, but it was still good enough to be a nice open world Action RPG (and also had other redeeming features, some I already mentioned before), Oblivion was already worst in that aspect and then Skyrim got even more dumbed down.
No oblivion and skyrim fix most of my issues with morrowind but then at the same time remove everything I liked about it. So it's a pick your poison situation for me.