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  1. william dempsey

    Mutant Mods is Anti-Guns

    Irl I hate most things Doesn't make me a bad person.
  2. william dempsey

    Hypothetical: NMA shuts down, what you do? POLL!

    I would weep bitterly with much gnashing of teeth.
  3. william dempsey

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I think the fact that the chief engineer was lesbos city and as per usual in games you had to do missions to further her FF relationship. The other female companion was a black woman, a military type who was one of the boys. The ex vicar companion seemed shady probably a kiddy fiddler. The...
  4. william dempsey

    The Infamous Kotaku Article, Covering Fallout 4's Script Leak.

    I'm sure your mod works perfectly well Giz. My annoyance was using the power armour in FO4. I parked my armour(s) up in various locations fed up with running out of power. I am that good I can run around in ladies dresses and still shoot 'em up :P
  5. william dempsey

    The Infamous Kotaku Article, Covering Fallout 4's Script Leak.

    Chasing around for more useless power cores was pure yawnography, boring , boring fast asleep I'm snoring. I rejigged mine with 2 mini sun fusion batteries made by Duracell ™
  6. william dempsey

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Coyote macaroni, I pmsl. I was against fox hunting as posh fuckers in red coats did it. Urban foxes became common for a few years then NO more foxes lol. Culled no doubt.
  7. william dempsey

    Obsidian repeatedly declined by Bethesda to do more spinoffs for their games

    If Bethesda had made Outer Worlds the colour palette may have been a bit muddier and the ship's computer stolen from Red Dwarf would work with a coin slot.
  8. william dempsey

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    That guy has 2 watches, flash bastard bling merchant :P
  9. william dempsey

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    As founder member of the ' Fly Liberation League ' I hope Mars Attacks becomes reality. Chicken shit humans only kill things that can't fight bullets.
  10. william dempsey

    Fallout London - Official release announcement

    The FOLON team say they will release on St Georges Day, Patron (not patreon) saint of England. One excuse for a later than planned release was that some team members are from a conflict zone. I hope those Palestinian coders are able to game test without being bombed out of existence. God bless...
  11. william dempsey

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Most politicians are basically very honest people who missed their calling to the church/temple/synagogue/mosque. They put people first, some living on the breadline. They do it all for humanity and care little for stocks and shares, capitalist pig doggery, or self grandiosement.
  12. william dempsey

    Toront posts old avatars

    Did you not question your decision to use that avatar ??
  13. william dempsey

    Fallout London - Official release announcement

    Haha just looked at that 10 minutes ago ! All them cells,
  14. william dempsey

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I think if men made peniscillin in labs funded by Bethesda (CIA) and Obsidian used femme fatales to produce good bacteria for yoghurts in Finnish factories secretly owned by Russia roubles, then this squabbling would stop.
  15. william dempsey

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I could make a crass remark about gas prices and death camp survivors , Or state how inept Russian assassins are when they use deadly toxins and the cunts survive. Anti Israeli sentiment is another communist plot that needs to be undressed.
  16. william dempsey

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    If Larian made Outer Worlds you would be fucking anything with a pulse ! Animal, vegetable or mineral. Those Scandies are more perverted than the English upper classes.
  17. william dempsey

    Paul got asked that question !

    Paul got asked that question !
  18. william dempsey

    I never knew that

    I never knew that
  19. william dempsey

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I found myself feeling very chivalrous getting Pavarotti a pretty dress so she could look nice for her luvva. If women wrote a script for gorgeous women characters talking about knitting patterns and the latest goss many male players may feel more relaxed. If they giggled about penis dimensions...