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  1. william dempsey

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    Was that supposed to be a ghoul at 25:00? Looked like my fucking dog lol
  2. william dempsey

    I got the power armour and beat robo Don

    I got the power armour and beat robo Don
  3. william dempsey

    I saved ' Fluffy '

    I saved ' Fluffy '
  4. william dempsey

    History of NMA

    Duck and Cover :cool: @Atomkilla Yeah, their mocking was done in a friendly way :P
  5. william dempsey

    Another couple of fights and I will have the power armour.

    Another couple of fights and I will have the power armour.
  6. william dempsey

    History of NMA

    Certain members of DAC cheered and whistled when NMA was down last year. They scoffed, then asked " Who is the oldest fallout site now? " Svines.
  7. william dempsey

    Handmade arts crafts sculpture textiles. Or is this dead and buried

    Mr Rex gave you the perfect answer. Stop crying poverty and crack on with your Gun Runners diorama ;P #Tip 36 : For the green toxic sludge use some PVA white glue thinned a bit with H2O and tinted with green acrylic paint .Estimated cost £2 or X10 for Sveedish Krowns.
  8. william dempsey

    It may be the aftershave you use!

    It may be the aftershave you use!
  9. william dempsey


    I find it tres amusant X 5 the so called Bethesda haters now discuss how wanky it runs and should they dedicate an SSD to play the fucking thing. Hypocrites or what lol. When asked on Brit TV " Are games getting too long " smarmy hot toddy says " Oh after spending 20 to 30 hours playing the main...
  10. william dempsey

    Let's settle this

    I think people that put fruit made from wax in bowls are sneaky bastards. Sometimes you can spot small bite marks left by children hoodwinked into taking a sly bite.
  11. william dempsey

    Baldurs Gate 3

    Why would Larian have to use D+D mechanics ? If almighty microsoft wanted a more modern, non FPS, retro fallout, I am sure Larian would be able to implement SPECIAL. Newer games such as ATOM/Trudograd, encased and others have improved ' playing areas '. If the 'sprites' were loosened up to...
  12. william dempsey

    WOW, that's radical, sortov.

    WOW, that's radical, sortov.
  13. william dempsey

    Handmade arts crafts sculpture textiles. Or is this dead and buried

    Shock horror, people have spokeificated on this dead topic. Dioramas are like Diarrhoea, Diazepam and Diamorphine. Diabetes is caused by overfilling the face, drinking too many beers and a lack of sexercise. I may make a diorama from the fallout universe with biscuit/cookies, cakes/cakes and...
  14. william dempsey

    Tim Cain punk split thread

  15. william dempsey

    Nearly drunk enough for bed

    Nearly drunk enough for bed
  16. william dempsey

    What are some of your unpopular opinions?

    Bioware had a good rep, yeah. Combat in some games was good as you had to use pause to beat the computer. Games such as Gangsters2, Stronghold Crusader made pausing a must. DAO2 and other may look cool running through a sequence but more often than not you get fucked up
  17. william dempsey


    Yeah, loop out like a fucking tard and they laugh at our stupidity
  18. william dempsey

    What are some of your unpopular opinions?

    The Glow is the only place that glowed, due to a direct hit ! The Master is the new messiah in biblical terms. Tim Cain was the firstborn of Adamski a lost prophet who nonced lil tiny baybees.
  19. william dempsey


    " We're lookin for life, we're lookin for life. We're lookin for life............" DLC 1 will be terraforming semi dead planets. Grow tonnes of Jackfruit and sell to faux Jamaican jerks
  20. william dempsey


    Rocket propelled grenade