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  1. william dempsey

    I am skilled in the vernacular. The English language sometimes seems strange to me.

    I am skilled in the vernacular. The English language sometimes seems strange to me.
  2. william dempsey


    Space travel is the most far fetched BS we delude ourselves with. Jump gates ? Inter-galactic travel ? We are fucking light years away from the reality. So whether we play Starfield, Starcraft or X galaxies just enjoy it captain lol
  3. william dempsey

    What are some of your unpopular opinions?

    All that bullshit about ' The Cathedral' and the LA vault makes me laff. Vault Tec bought the cathedral pre-war then secretly built a vault under the gothic masterpiece, that had not been blown away during the nuclear exchange. LMFBO. I reckon ' The Master ' was a pure parody of the second...
  4. william dempsey

    It's all gone fucking nuts. BTW, all men are rapists lol

    It's all gone fucking nuts. BTW, all men are rapists lol
  5. william dempsey

    That Spanish FA guy who kissed a woman footballer full on the lips got in deep do do's. God help...

    That Spanish FA guy who kissed a woman footballer full on the lips got in deep do do's. God help him if he had groped her tits
  6. william dempsey

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    I'll just stick with the repeats of Red Dwarf.
  7. william dempsey

    With the money I've saved not smoking, I may buy Baldur's gate 3, Jagged alliance 3, or have a...

    With the money I've saved not smoking, I may buy Baldur's gate 3, Jagged alliance 3, or have a crack binge. Hmm decisions decisions
  8. william dempsey

    Clockwork Revolution (A New Game by InXile Entertainment)

    Ooh matron. Clockwork/Diesel, Steampunk is a romantic view of Victoriana, where the common man knew his place. A thief could disable the gizmos of the rich with a well aimed water arrow and ' Just Stop Oil ' protesters ended Diesel mania. The airships of the future are built with super strong...
  9. william dempsey

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    What about a Freemason ? They don't come any cheaper than that.
  10. william dempsey

    Reject satin.

    Reject satin.
  11. william dempsey

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Put a main save in then try it! I know ' The Tin quest ' went tits up 4 me lol.
  12. william dempsey

    Would You Say That This is The Most Ignorant Thing Three Dog Has Ever Said?

    I dunno really. I know three dog seems to be disliked by one and all. I reckon the doors would weigh quite a few tons and be very difficult to shift. Showing the doors laying flat as if pushed out from inside seemed strange. Maybe rats nibbled away at the workings :P
  13. william dempsey

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I am a signer for the deaf but I found that confusing.
  14. william dempsey

    4 hiders

    4 hiders
  15. william dempsey

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Metaphorical zoo, no doubt. Cornelius is shite at pool, but a half decent chess player.
  16. william dempsey

    AH, the Great British weather. Grey skies and rain, luvvly.

    AH, the Great British weather. Grey skies and rain, luvvly.
  17. william dempsey

    Nah, fuck that , some moles turn into cancer.

    Nah, fuck that , some moles turn into cancer.