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  1. william dempsey

    Just another day in paradise.

    Just another day in paradise.
  2. william dempsey

    New Fallout fan film, The Vault, from creators of Lanius

    Those wobbly stills made me seasick.
  3. william dempsey

    Half-arsed guacamole, if you ask me.

    Half-arsed guacamole, if you ask me.
  4. william dempsey

    If having to write all those letters on a snail mail, envelope, I would be livid.

    If having to write all those letters on a snail mail, envelope, I would be livid.
  5. william dempsey

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Read my mind ! on that one.
  6. william dempsey

    I used to put baby flies on hooks then cast them into the water.

    I used to put baby flies on hooks then cast them into the water.
  7. william dempsey

    Fallout memes, rants, fanwank - AKA - A General Fallout Discussion Thread

    I hated a couple of the ' Blade Runner ' game endings. Slimeball driving away with under age girl, durty fecker.
  8. william dempsey

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    As a narcoleptic, I resent that comment. ZZZZZZzzzzzzz
  9. william dempsey


  10. william dempsey


  11. william dempsey

    Fallout New Vegas Fun Facts by Fallout YouTuber Clanky4.

    I took my bird to Vegas on a date ;P. Then I fucked up that ' White Glove society' freaks.
  12. william dempsey

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    I'm just a poser.
  13. william dempsey

    The new Marathon is such a disappointment

    They're calling it "graphic realism". I like it overall. Reminds me of Mirrors Edge, but with lots of textures and color instead of simplicity. Well that covers it bleep lol
  14. william dempsey


  15. william dempsey

    How did you imagine the Commonwealth to be like in Fallout 3?

    Fuck me ! I never knew Bob Dylan was into fallout. I deffo agree with the teleportation question ;P Rocket packs are so risky, I prefer the teleportation.
  16. william dempsey

    Thoughts on The Outer Worlds?

    ==.♫ Mars aint the place to .......... in fact it's cold as hell.
  17. william dempsey

    You are one hardfaced bastard, ironmask

    You are one hardfaced bastard, ironmask
  18. william dempsey

    Should I Check Out The Wasteland Trilogy? Is It Worth Playing?

    I've never played the original wasteland. I played wasteland 2 then when I got the directors cut free I replayed. The only thing I disliked was the graphics, mainly the play areas. I enjoyed them muchos lotz. I found wasteland 3 a less complex, easier game, all in all well worth it especially if...
  19. william dempsey

    The Legion's use of Primitive Weaponry?

    I could imagine Fallout London stealing that idea. That has some Ye Olde faction that dress as knights. So to be on the safe side get your idea time stamped. That is the best idea i've seen in years, don't let them thieve it.
  20. william dempsey

    Tbh I meant 4th July. Creeping up to my American cousins :)

    Tbh I meant 4th July. Creeping up to my American cousins :)