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  1. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Edited to make sure I GENDERED THE BREAD CORRECTLY
  2. Korin

    The terrible German language

    The child is no adult? I am also confused when I should use kein/keine and when I should use nicht. It seems like you can use either if you structure the sentence for it: Der mann isst kein brot Der mann isst brot nicht I don't know which would make the most sense. That makes sense to me
  3. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Continuing deep into German madness, I'll be navigating these particular labyrinths for the next month: Das Kind ist nicht einen Erwachsene (The child is not an adult) <- simple to understand, makes a lot of sense Das Kind mag das Zimmer nicht (The child likes the room... not) <- the end of a...
  4. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I was listening to a German language podcast and someone said something along the lines of: "I don't need therapy, I'll just move to Berlin where everyone is weird"
  5. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I always thought @Crni Vuk was Russian for some reason
  6. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Yeah, adverbs and negatives are killin' me. I was doing well until I got to these: "That makes nothing" is how I read that
  7. Korin

    The terrible German language

    My struggle today: But the answer is "The man drinks also hot milk" Does: "Der Mann auch trinkt heiße milch" not make sense? I find I'm having to read/write ahead in German and then work backwards through the sentence Also: "You are not turn"?
  8. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    Use the spoiler tag please
  9. Korin

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    I don't think Outer Worlds and Fallout are anything alike... I don't know why people consider them direct comparisons, the only thing they have in common is being an FPS RPG. Outer Worlds is closer to Mass Effect than Fallout. It feels about 60% Mass Effect 2, 30% Borderlands... 10% Bioshock...
  10. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I used that phrase a lot... that and "danke". If they said anything else I was screwed.
  11. Korin

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    It's true but it leads to massive deficits if you don't get the money from somewhere. The conflict between "I want more services" and "I want to pay less taxes". The rich and largest corporations should be taxed higher but it runs the risk of course that they'll just use tax loopholes or take...
  12. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Yeah, I'll hit you up! She wants to spend time with her new nephew (her brother just has a child) and I'll probably have a free day. Hopefully I'll know enough German to survive on my own.
  13. Korin

    The terrible German language

    That's actually closer to where we'll be, her family lives in Recklinghausen. Pretty much most of the places we've gone are around there (Essen, Dortmund, Koln, Munster, etc)
  14. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Man I'd love to! I haven't been to Bavaria yet! We're there two weeks in Christmas. Not sure what we're doing yet, other than going to weihnachtsmarkts every day.
  15. Korin

    The terrible German language

    My girlfriend was trying to explain Bavaria to me (Bavarian culture is often used to represent Germany as a whole in North America) and how they are actually a strange oddity within Germany, not the majority. Her explanation was that they were essentially the rednecks/hillbillies of Germany and...
  16. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Meine freundin ist Deutsch und ich gehe Deustchland... something something... for weihnachten. I've been there a few times already and I'd really like to be able to talk to people. I am enjoying learning German, even though I also hate it.
  17. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I stayed with her family last summer and I can kind of pick out the worlds they say to each other (even when I didn't understand them) but they had a construction worker from Berlin renting one of the rooms and every time he spoke I couldn't understand anything. Have also tried learning German...
  18. Korin

    The terrible German language

    You can not (???) the (????) The good (???????) A real German man doesn't like(?) (????) unfortunate (?) you all something... wines... or her like something I'm sure it's more poetic if you can understand it :p
  19. Korin

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    I might have voted NDP if they had any chance of winning (and we had an actual candidate) where I am but I'm in Atlantic Canada and voted Green. We're majority conservative here after the last election. And you're right we get targeted heavily by attack campaigns and propaganda (especially in...