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  1. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I love Germany and hearing German. I'd really like to speak it someday. Right now it feels like trying to drink a picture of a lake. Ich spreche schlecht deutsch und ich verstehe deutsch nicht. Du hörst mein schlecht deutsch und wir haben viele bier. Genau (because they say this all the time...
  2. Korin

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    You're right, I really mean "social democracy"
  3. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I know there's a lot of Europeans here, so sharing my language journey... I have been dating my German-born girlfriend for almost 5 years now (and have visited her family in Germany with her several times). Her entire family is trilingual, speaking English, French and German. I am essentially a...
  4. Korin

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    I didn't read this whole thread but as societies advance they should become more socially democratic. It's a sign of our countries advancement to be able to support and enable its citizens at every level, not just with healthcare but education and infrastructure. We should support our countries...
  5. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    This is probably part of my problem because I never actually need to use the inhaler. I didn't know it would auto-cycle items with the same stats, that's good to know. I must have 100 inhaler charges by now. Talking to a couple guys at work they're having the same issue and end up selling all of...
  6. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    No probably not, a lot of them aren't combat oriented. They're minor regeneration/stat boosts that last a few seconds and you already regenerate health out of combat (unless you have your temperament set to the lowest value) which might disable health regen all together. Maybe someone would find...
  7. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    The UI for aid items was better in Skyrim :p you could very quickly and easily see what each item did and consume it with a quick button press. It's not game breaking by any stretch, I don't find a frequent need to heal and largely just ignore everything in the aid category.
  8. Korin

    Creetosis's Response to "Fallout 3 is better than you think" By MATN

    Not sure about the Butch choice, whether she dies affects whether she's there at the vault but I don't remember much else. The Overseer choice affects who the current overseer in the Vault 101 quest later in the game (he gets replaced with someone worse) along with how Amata treats you. Then...
  9. Korin

    Creetosis's Response to "Fallout 3 is better than you think" By MATN

    They have an affect when you return to Vault 101 :p I wasn't expecting huge, world changing decisions to happen in the tutorial area. Not to mention these people (except Butch) never actually leave the vault so the things you do in the outside world largely don't matter to them.
  10. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    You pick up dozens of unique types of consumables, a lot of which have the exact same (and often mediocre) affects like "200% health regeneration out of combat for 30 seconds" so right now I probably have 20-30 different stacks of aid items and most of them are nearly useless. You can bind them...
  11. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    The character system seems to have a lot of impact at least as far as conversation choices go. Seems like almost every conversation has an option to use various skills and you encounter interactable situations in the game world your skills factor into. You won't see these options (in dialogue)...
  12. Korin

    Creetosis's Response to "Fallout 3 is better than you think" By MATN

    What the fuck is with these 2 hour long videos? I can't even watch a movie that long. Anyway, Fallout 3 came out in 2008, it seems weird to dig its poorly preserved corpse out of the grave to give it another review. It hasn't aged well and Fallout: New Vegas and probably even Fallout 4 make it...
  13. Korin

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    Got a chance to really sink my teeth into it over the weekend. I'd say this game feels about 60% Mass Effect 2, 30% Borderlands, 10% Bioshock. There are actually some mechanics and even sound effects in the game that sound like they're the same as Mass Effect (not that that is a complaint) and...
  14. Korin

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    This doesn't actually happen. It was based on one Reddit post (where most Youtubers and game journalists get their "content"). It's a story that sells well but the reality is nobody in game actually cares. There's not even a way to "hunt and grief" other players. You can't damage them in...
  15. Korin

    Fallout 76 - From BETA To Wastelanders

    I don't know if an objective one exists yet. The short version would be it was released with a lot of problems and has received a lot of fixes and updates since then. The game it is today should have been the one that was released a year ago. In the present day it still has a lot of issues but...
  16. Korin

    Logical Phallusy found biggest Fallout 76 fanboy even after F76 subscription

    This is one of the reasons I hate youtube... how does someone make an hour long video response to some dumb irrelevant shit someone posted on the sub-reddit that probably only 10 people read?
  17. Korin

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    That is the reality but also unfortunate because we are more or less funneled by algorithms into what we should be watching and believing. I don't think I've flatly defended them other than provide context and counterpoints where it was applicable or something was blatantly untrue. Also I'm...
  18. Korin

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    It is a great game but liking the games isn't mutually exclusive unless you have a borderline personality :p This is half a problem with youtube and how it silos users into echo chambers or prioritizes certain channels over others. It's also a problem with content creators who feed mainly on...
  19. Korin

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    Fixed :p They will definitely continue to eat it. Fans are fickle but they're also forgetful and just want to play games. Taco Bell gives people diarrhea but eventually they forget and are in the mood for tacos again. These were heavily and frequently requested features for a long time (even...