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  1. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    There are a lot of really cool camps but also a lot of mediocre ones. That is entirely up to each player. This is my camp for Halloween: The camp I had before this one:
  2. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    Yes, I legitimately like Fallout 76. I am however painfully aware of all the problems in the game as I have to suffer them directly :p
  3. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    The stash size has been increased from 400 to 800 over time. I don't find there is a problem with the weight limit currently but I would also still like more stash space. Most people have gotten used to the idea that you can't (and don't need) to keep absolutely everything. You also learn how to...
  4. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    There's a lot of reasons to use the C.A.M.P. system, the primary reason is that it's your home base where all of your crafting benches and access to your stashed equipment and materials is located. This is also the location of your vendor machines, so if you plan to sell items you've gathered...
  5. Korin

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    This thread is 16 years old... amazing.
  6. Korin

    I thought it was pretty good but yeah it was more like an extra long episode that tied up some...

    I thought it was pretty good but yeah it was more like an extra long episode that tied up some loose ends in Jessie's story.
  7. Korin

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    3 and New Vegas do work on current gen consoles already I believe, at least they're backwards compatible on xbox. They may also come with a modest resolution increase. Even the original xbox Morrowind works on xbox one and comes with some extended graphics.
  8. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    I'm just telling you now. I hate Trump as much as anybody but this dog and pony show isn't going to end with him being removed from office. The stuff they're impeaching him for is an incredibly grey area and voting out your own president just before the next election would be Republican suicide...
  9. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    This isn't entirely accurate. Impeachment brings it before the senate for conviction. If they're actually convicted they're removed.
  10. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    They'll never impeach Donald Trump... you have to understand that they must vote it to the senate (which the democrats are able to do on their own) but once it's in the senate they need a significant portion of Republican senators to actually convict him - which they will never do. There is no...
  11. Korin

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    I don't think Bethesda is hurting for money :p and Fallout 76 has still been profitable for them, their bulk income is from the ongoing in-game transactions. The fact this is a Germany/UK bundle probably has more to do with it being done by Bethesda UK and not Bethesda US. Bethesda is not a...
  12. Korin

    True that. That's the state of the world we live in.

    True that. That's the state of the world we live in.
  13. Korin

    @Walpknut lol no, I'm using incel as a general pejorative type descriptor because they tend to...

    @Walpknut lol no, I'm using incel as a general pejorative type descriptor because they tend to think and say the exact same boo-hoo self-pity sort of things in all their social media posts and manifestos.
  14. Korin

    It only bothers people because this is like, an accurate glorified movie version of the types of...

    It only bothers people because this is like, an accurate glorified movie version of the types of people that do this sort of thing and they are often drawn to such figures they consider to be heroes and martyrs. I don't expect them to cancel a movie because it's too on-the-nose though.
  15. Korin

    Yeah, I mean I sort of semi-understand the controversy because the main character sort of...

    Yeah, I mean I sort of semi-understand the controversy because the main character sort of portrays this sad victim incel for whom the world is apparently so unfair and who becomes the hero of the story by responding to the world with violent self-soothing megalomania.
  16. Korin

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    Same, I'd love to play them on my xbox. I can't do computer mouse-click games anymore. I would be surprised if they were ported to console though.
  17. Korin

    Why are you people still wasting your time bitching about Fallout?

    I'm probably one of the few outliers that actually came here as a Fallout 3 fan (and then somehow ended up being the site admin - go figure). NMA is kind of a last bastion for the classic Fallout/RPG fans and a place that's less heavily moderated than the generally pro-Fallout sub-reddits (and...
  18. Korin

    Paying for in-game items?

    This is the future we find ourselves in. A combination of capitalism and market demand (people willing to pay) coupled with the technology to make it possible. I haven't historically been into cosmetic items but if I really like the game I'll probably buy a DLC if it's adding new story/gameplay...
  19. Korin

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    Have to take leaks with a grain of salt... would also have been interesting to have the German translated by a native speaker. At least some of this doesn't make any sense: "The full collection of all award-winning single-player games in the series! Return to Odland with the Fallout 4 - Game of...
  20. Korin

    Todd Howard says TES6 needs to be playable for "a decade at least"

    Fallout and Skyrim type games are kind of escapist open world fantasies. Skyrim probably aged the best out of any of them because it still looks good and what people return to is Skyrim as a place to exist in, not so much a story to be re-read or experienced. Fallout 3 hasn't aged well...